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Practical Dudisum

edited August 2011 in Local discussion
Following the recent riots on the streets of London, I urge all Dudests to flood London with a message of piece, love and mellowness. As I type this call to slovenly arms I understand its a few weeks late but, man you know you get sidetracked. I myself should be across the other side of London now helping the Special Lady in my life do stuff, but you have a sandwich maybe a J and it's 11.49 and the phone rings....... anyhow I digress. How could any rioter fail to see the futility of there actions when confronted by a wall of beige cardigans coming towards them projecting a mellow aura a good 25ft ahead of themselves? How could any rioter not be moved to tears when seeing 100's of slightly puzzled looking men with the 'blessed rug' tucked under one arm, and a Caucasian in the other? If we cant make the rioters stop and say "lets go bowling" no one can. Now I know we might be a little late as the riots stopped a few weeks ago but just imagine if we had been there, rugs stretched across Trafalgar Square, the noise of a 100 tinny earphones playing credence, the great milk drought of 2011. Just imagine...... Oh look a squirrel.
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