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Tollington Safer Neighbourhoods ward Panel Meeting

Dear All

I would like to invite you all to the next Tollington Ward Panel Meeting on Monday 10th October 2011 at 6.30pm at Hanley Crouch Community Centre also known as "The Laundry Club"

Your Local Safer Neighbourhoods Team (Islington Side of the road) will be looking to discuss local issues and the teams current crime priorities, and also a overview of what has been happening on the ward since the last meeting.
We will also be discussing the role of the Ward Panel Chairperson, as at this stage we have not replaced the old chair since he left the area.

If you would like to discuss any matters that you feel we should include on the Agenda for this meeting please contact the team.

And finally if you would like to bring any other residents who would be interested in coming to the meeting, they would be very much welcomed.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the Monday 10th October at 6.30pm

Kind Regards
Matt FLETCHER PC 121NI | Police Officer | Tollington Safer Neighbourhood Team | Islington Borough


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