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Stroud Green Conservation Area Advisory Committee AGM - Thursday 21 February

edited February 2013 in Local discussion
Hi all<br><br>The AGM will be held tomorrow at 'Mind in Haringey', The Station House, Stapleton Hall Road.<br><br>It kicks off at 19:30 with fair trade wine & snacks.  The AGM kicks off at 8, to be followed by a short talk on heritage in Stroud Green.<br><br>If anyone really cares about conservation and planning issues then they can put themselves forward for nomination to the committee.  That will be at the end of the AGM, so you will have plenty of time to work out what we are all about before deciding.  We could do with at least two new members as we have a couple of resignations, including myself, due to other commitments.<br><br>Any questions let me know.<br><br>Ben Myring<br>
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