Good gyms in Stroud Green?

edited September 2008 in Local discussion
Hi - I just moved here from Golders Green. Does anyone have any recommendations for good gyms in the area?


  • edited 11:08PM
    Hi arkvetch - first of all, welcome to Stroud Green. I hope you find the experience of moving Greens a pleasant one.

    The answer to your question may be determined by your gender as there is a women-only gym in the area. But not being a woman, I'm afraid I cannot attest to its quality. If you are a woman, however, more details will be forthcoming and you can judge for yourself!
  • edited 11:08PM
    There's the Factory on Hornsey Road, Park Road over the hill in Crouch End and apparently there's a gym in Finsbury Park, but I've never been there. There's a fitness first and a Virgin Active in Crouch End if you want a juice bar with your running machines. Then there are women only gyms, but i can't vouch for them.

  • benben
    edited September 2008
    There is also (or there was) a gym in the City North complex. I went along once having seen someone working out in there from the station platform. It turned out that it was a gym for training gym trainers, or something like that. They told me that I could join as an individual, and it was reasonably good value, but said I would have to book sessions in advance. I ended up joining the Sobell Centre instead to have the flexibility. No pun intended.
  • edited 11:08PM
    Also in CE: YMCA - cheap and very basic Park Road Pools has a pretty nice gym, for a muni gym anyway - and you get full use of the pools too.
  • edited 11:08PM
    Thanks so much for the rapid and useful replies!
  • edited 11:08PM
    There is also a Fitness First on Crouch End Hill. One at the Sobel Centre as well.

    Having been to a lot around here I recommend Virgin in Crouch End for lots of reasons, my family goes there as well. My friend goes to the one on Park Road which is quite a lot cheaper and is good.

    If you have kids the Virgin is the only one with a creche which is brilliant.

    Good luck and welcome!
  • edited 11:08PM
    Just remembered the woman only gym is called Paradise and it is at the bottom of Crouch Hill where it meets Stroud Green Road, its very reasonable and the people are lovely there, it doesnt have a pool though.
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