<a href="
http://www.met.police.uk/saferneighbourhoods/boroughs/haringey/stroudgreen.htm">News from Stroud Green Safer Neighbourhoods Team. Dec 08</a>
This is the monthly newsletter from the Stroud Green Safer Neighbourhoods Team (SNT). It is intended to give you a brief summary of the team’s activities during the past month and provide an insight into the tactics being employed to address identified priority problems on the ward.
We have started the Ward Consultation process. Your views and suggestions are very important to us, helping us to identify key issues and adapt our policing style around them, thereby improving your quality of life. This is carried out every 6 months. The information is then analysed, and a report is produced and put before the Panel members to establish our ward priorities for the next 6 months.
Robbery success
The team, with some Crouch End SNT officers responded to a Robbery call on Lancaster Road. After an initial investigation officers conducted a drive around for suspects. Due to officers’ perseverance, 2 suspects were found and identified. They were later charged with robbery.
New Neighbourhood Watch (NHW).
A resident (Guido) of Quernmore Road has joined forces with us to form a new NHW. We held an initial meeting at our office in Crouch End, which was poorly attended. However Guido is not disheartened and has been trying to drum up support with his neighbours. If you live in Quernmore Road, then please get back to us and we will put you in touch with Guido.
A Residents Association has also been set up for Carlton Lodge. This has been after a long process of engagement by Neighbourhood Management and Homes for Haringey.
No1 Priority - Anti Social Behaviour by Youths
Whilst on patrol, a routine Stop & Search led to an arrest, when a young male was found in possession of a qty of drugs, which it was believed he had for supplying to others. He was charged with Possession of cannabis with intent to supply.
Due to complaints from residents at Carlton Lodge, we have made regular patrols to the stairwells to tackle a group of youths who regularly congregate, and often smoke cannabis. We have responded within 10 mins on several occasions and have managed to stop and speak to a number of these youths. They had been gathering at the location while they waited for a friend who lived on another block. They were not aware that they had been disturbing anyone. After explaining how their presence caused issues and warning the youth who attracted them to the block, they all agreed not to meet there in future. The residents have stated that things have improved greatly.
We have made 4 cannabis seizures in the past month.
We are working alongside Haringey Youth services & Neighbourhood management; we are currently in the process of starting up a Youth Club for youths in the Lower Stroud Green Estates. Two venues have been looked at and we will be conducting outreach work with youth workers on Thurs 4th Dec. This is a long awaited for and much needed service. More details to follow.
During the month of November, the team have made 40 stops, of which 26 were searches. In addition to being a deterrent, intelligence is being gathered from the stops, which contribute greatly to the location and identification of criminals.
No2 Priority – Rubbish Dumping / Fly-tipping
We now attend a regular Area Based Working Party meeting. Various council partners, including street enforcement, attend these meetings. This results in targeted joint actions to tackle local dumping hotspots, including under Railway Bridge by Stapleton Hall Rd.
We have continued to monitor known fly-tipping areas.
No3 Priority - Road Safety
Whilst on patrol, a car was stopped and the driver was questioned. The driver did not have a full license and was reported for traffic offences.
Patrols have continued outside the primary schools on the ward.
We have also made use of the Police CCTV van on occasions. This has been parked up at strategic locations to provide a visible deterrent and to encourage drivers to drive safer.
New Met Contact Number
On the 14th October 2008, the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) launched a new telephone number for use in all non-emergency situations. The new number - 0300 123 1212 – should be used when people in London need to contact the MPS and it is not an emergency.
The MPS has introduced this number to make it easier for people to contact us, which will give greater access to our services. By providing people with one memorable number it is expected that the amount of inappropriate 999 calls to the MPS will reduce. This will further enable us to respond quickly and safely to emergency calls and best identify how to respond to other calls.
In an emergency people should always dial 999. An emergency is when a crime is happening, someone suspected of a crime is known to be nearby, or someone is injured, being threatened or in danger.
For all other calls to the MPS people should dial 0300 123 1212, such as when reporting a crime or an incident that does not meet the above criteria, to speak to local police or when seeking advice on police matters. It is still possible to contact local police stations with pre-existing numbers and in particular Safer Neighbourhood Teams should still be contacted using their direct telephone numbers. However, people can use 0300 123 1212 to speak to local police, including Safer Neighbourhood Teams, as well as other MPS teams.
Crime Prevention Advice
We are continuing to monitor the level and location of Vehicle Crime in Stroud Green, and are patrolling in hot spots. Please be reminded of the following advice:
- Always secure your vehicle. Leave it in a safe location where it can be easily seen by passers-by or, lock it in a garage.
- Fit locking wheel nuts.
- Do not leave valuables in your vehicle – but if there is no alternative, leave them out of sight in the boot.
- Fit an alarm and immobiliser to the vehicle and, if you have audio equipment, make sure it is security-coded or portable and is post-coded.
- Arrange to have your car registration number or vehicle identification number etched onto all glass surfaces in your car (including the headlights).
- Consider marking all the property you keep in your car. Use your postcode and house number.
This is the monthly newsletter from the Stroud Green Safer Neighbourhoods Team (SNT). It is intended to give you a brief summary of the team’s activities during the past month and provide an insight into the tactics being employed to address identified priority problems on the ward.
Our burglary dwelling Crimes for May was 9. If we were able to convince everyone to fit and use a mortice deadlock every day, then I am sure we could reduce this figure considerably.
On Wed 13th May we brought our Burglary initiative to an end, holding a Crime Prevention event, in Stapleton Hall Rd. This lasted from 3pm – 7pm when we had a mobile police Stn parked up, staffed with our team and a Borough Crime Prevention Officer. Residents who had taken part and who had been selected to receive security products, were invited to come and collect the products. We were on hand to give any crime prevention advice and also conduct any last minute security reviews.
When asked what the benefits of this project were, a local resident of Stapleton Hall Road said that the initiative "certainly made me feel the police are there for us and contactable. We have had incidents which they have responded well to, its great to know they around."
The following security products were issued.
15 mortice locks, 10 London bars, 60 sash window locks, 30 swing window locks, 10 letter box covers, 5 24hr timer switches, 50+ UV property marking pens and 5 door viewers.
Also present was an officer Andy Rowe, from London Fire Brigade who was on hand to give out any fire and home safety advice. During each security review, residents were offered a visit from LFB to conduct a fire and safety check. 30 residents have been referred to LFB for such visits.
Andy Rowe, Holloway Fire Station Manager said: "I am really pleased that we have had this opportunity to work in conjunction with our Safer Neighbourhoods team to provide a combined approach to resident's safety."
From 1st June 2008 – 31st Dec 2008 there were 9 burglaries in our target area.
Our target was to reduce this to no more than 5 from 1st Jan 09 till 30th June 09.
From 1st Jan 09 to 5th June 09 we had 3 burglaries in target area. So long as we don’t have a run of burglaries in next 3 weeks, we are showing a 66% reduction.
On reviewing these 3 burglaries, all appear to have the front door as a point of entry, which had only been secured by a Yale lock. None of the victims had taken up our offer of a security review. It is probable if these people had accepted our security review and followed advice given, each of these crimes may have been avoided.
We are currently trying to increase the number of Neighbourhood Watches (NHW) on our ward, in particular Stapleton Hall Rd and Mayfield Rd. If you are interested in a NHW for your street or would like further info please speak to any of the team on patrol or give us a call.
During the month of May we stopped and searched 10 persons within the ward, resulting in 1 seizure of cannabis.
It has been mentioned during our consultations that there has been drug use around Quernmore Rd near the BR Station. We are looking into this and are keen to receive any information on this.
During patrols along the Parkland Walk two males were stopped and searched for drugs, resulting in one of them being arrested for possession of a controlled drug believed class A. He is currently on bail and due to return pending analysis of the substance.
It is National Tackling Drugs Week 8th to 12th June 2009. We will be working alongside our Drugs Focus Team to target drug activity within the ward.
Youth ASB.
During half term we patrolled through some of our youth hot spots on the ward paying particular attention to Stationers Park. It was refreshing to see that the 'girls only' youth club was well attended at the Community Centre on Mayfield Road N8.
Whilst the youth club in Stroud Green is attracting new interest from youths around the ward, including some girls, the number of youths who regularly attend the youth club decreased during half term. Upon speaking with these individuals it would appear that they would like more activities at the youth club. We are now working with sport organizations to attend the youth club. We are also in the process of setting up a careers fair in August aimed at youths who are looking for some inspiration and guidance as to what career path to follow. We have several organizations interested in attending this event and our feedback from the youths has been very positive.
We have received several complaints about youth ASB in Albert Road, Marquis Court and Nicholls Close. The main complaint has been the intimidation by the number of youths congregating in the stairwells and the noise they make. We believe these are local youths, known to us and are educating them by explaining that their presence and actions can be intimidating especially to those who are vulnerable. We are now patrolling these areas and if you have any further information on this please contact our team. As our team is not 24hr response, if you need police to attend at the time, please use 999 if urgent or use non-emergency number 0300 123 1212.
There has also been some Youth ASB around the shops in Weston Park N8. We have been patrolling the area and speaking to the shopkeepers. This has resulted in a youth being arrested for theft from a shop and another to be arrested.
We have now completed our consultations, thank you to all who took part. The results are being collated and will be presented to our Ward Panel on 17th June for discussions and to decide our priorities for next 6 months.
Community Visits
Laura, Ziya and Bobby have spent 2 days in St Aidans Primary School, giving a presentation to all classes. The subjects covered were road awareness, personal safety as well as general police activity. They plan to give similar talk to Stroud Green Primary School during the month of June.
We have also visited Abyssinia Court to a community social meeting where we gave a talk on personal safety and bogus callers.
Road Checks.
We have carried out 2 road checks along with LBH enforcement team, tackling fly tipping and waste carriers.
We also carried out a road check in Mount View Road and conducted high visibility patrols after two muggings were reported in the area.
Your Team
Sgt Bob Stevenson PCSO Ziya Huseyin PCSO Bobby Kemp
PC Paul Kelly PCSO Kelly Haley PCSO Laura Phillips
Please visit the following website for more details of our team. www.met.police.uk/teams/haringey/stroudgreen/index.php