i expressed an opinion about a particular estate agent by name. it was felt that this could lead to agro for our hosts, so i deleted it along with all the other comments i could think of that slated a local resident by name - mcavoy, miserable fish man etc.
i don't know, i received a very polite message about one particular comment - i'm not sure it was intended to set a precedent but i took it as that to be on the safe side.
No precedent set.
Though we may all be fans of Knight Rider, unlike Michael Knight we are not above the law.
Directly defamatory personal messages about private individuals* will get us into trouble. Even if they're estate agents.
As far as I know, the other rubbish that we fill this site up with about public figures, organisations, curry, pizza and grammar is all fine.
*Except David, and perhaps Tosscat. Go for those two.
i said "i wouldn't piss on [estate agent's name] if they were on fire". that's true! not defamatory, but frankly if you've ever met who i was talking about you'd be right to be nervous. you guys are basically providing a service to us for free so i understand you don't need threats of legal action. i will continue to slate mcavoy now i know that's ok.