anyone know a good property solicitor for purchase of freehold? (please)

Our block of flats is thinking of purchasing the freehold, so a recommendation for a good local (or not so local) solicitor would be much appreciated. Does anyone have any experience in this area?


  • edited 1:36AM
    Hi I did mine through Sonia at McMillans on Stroud Green Road.

  • edited 1:36AM
    I used Chris at Angel Law in Angel. His rates are reasonable, has a keen eye for detail (certainly in contrast to his opposite number in the two transactions I've used him for), friendly, *quick*, and most of all accessible - there's no secretary guarding access to him.

    Being able to get him on the phone is very important if things go pear shaped.

    Note: I haven't used him for freehold enfranchisement work but I believe he has acted on both sides of that type of transaction many times.
  • edited 1:36AM
    Gerry Di Piazza of Boulter & Co in Crouch End specalises Freehold Enfranchisment and Lease Extensions. I'm an Estate Agent in Crouch End and have worked with him on many transactions that involve the above. His direct number is 020 8342 7163.
  • edited 1:36AM
    Thanks for all the suggestions everyone!
  • edited 1:36AM
    avoid David Kosky at all costs, but I think he's out of the area now.
  • edited November 2009
    I am a valuer in this area and can recommend Earle & Waller, Bolt Burdon, Peter Brown & Co and Allan Jay Paine and Co. They are all competent to deal with this as I am sure are Boulter & Co.
    Further info is available at:
  • edited 1:36AM
    Nice markdown, t_c. Commercial or not, it's not really spam if responding reasonably specifically to a request? I don't recall anyone requesting to fill out a questionnaire about haunted house tv programmes before the groundbreaking lizziej hit us up. I could be wrong. Andy is the owner of the douchebag button anyways.
  • I didn't realise there was a rule that nothing which could be construed as promoting a company can go on your discussion board - I gather that is the implication of the 'D'! Sorry about this. I hope the information on the website is useful anyway - we have spent quite a while putting all this together with a view to increasing the general level of awareness about lease extensions and collective enfranchisement. To see the info is of course free. On the links page there are also links to the Lease Advisory Service and the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal where further info is available.
  • edited November 2009
    Stop looking for consistency tosscat. James seems nice, this seems relevant-ish and useful and he's not an estate agent. We will of course retain the right to ban and remove links from people we think are blatantly spamming, but this is an edge case at best.
  • edited 1:36AM
    Oi - whats wrong with estate agents!! :(
  • edited 1:36AM
    You first. What's right?
  • edited 1:36AM
    Aww come on! We're definately not all bad. Unfortunately (and as with any industry) there are some bad ones and they're the ones that get all the press.
  • edited 1:36AM
    Borders: _Loose term signifying that a property is sufficiently close to a desirable area to ensure the burglars who live next door to you will travel to work._ Charming: _Pokey._ Four bedrooms: _Three bedrooms and a cupboard._ Original Features: _Water tank still contains cholera bacterium._ Definitely Not All Bad: _There are some bad ones and they're the ones that get all the press._
  • edited 1:36AM
    Very good!

    *makes mental note for next time he prepares some property details*

    Although I much prefer "cosy" for pokey
  • edited 1:36AM
    I think "Highgate Slopes" is still the most creative description of Archway that I've seen.
  • IanIan
    edited 1:36AM
    @Andy it does though, doesn't it?
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