The sugar lounge

I have only discovered the site last week when one of our customers told me about the good and bad reviews of the sugar lounge; but the last discussion about our door policy was really unfair so I have to explain a few things.i was at the back when two customers have been rejected entry apparently. One of them was black and he left feeling rejected. I am utterly sorry for this misunderstanding. The sugar lounge opened a year ago and we had many parties for many different cultures and races. we have been displaying a local black photoghrapher' work for now 3 months; our door had only been control by a local black security who is so sweet and we genuinely love him; my sister in law is black from south africa ; My masseur is a local black therapist; I made many good friends since I came to stroud green road and the best ones are my black friends; i am utterly sorry for being questioned for someting like this. that night a fight broke out next door and i was told that next door was closed; and i told my waiter to check the door in case the fight might be brought to sugar lounge; the waiter who does not speak enough english might have sounded like he was rejecting them but when I spoke with him he just told them that he would check it please wait ! and at that moment dennis left. If anyone was in there they should have notices a black customer was sitting with his friends on the purple sofa on the same night. As soon as I came to the front I was told about this and I tried to explain it sincerely that it was a misunderstanding. I am very sorry that this has created a local discussion on the internet. I would like to apologize particulary from Dennis and all the local who have misunderstood. I have invested my whole life into sugar lounge; if i was to choose customers by their colour i would not have chosen stroud green road. And believe me it is not a cheap place to be. I love my job and I love sugar lounge and I love my locals; I am trying to correct the mistakes we make unintentionally; I have been reading the discussions about the sugar lounge and I am ready to do whatever it takes to make the sugar lounge a fun and welcoming place for everyone. Regarding the cocktail jug prices; we do give the prices before the order ; if it was too expensive we are happy to give how we calculate our prices if the customers are not satisfied, think overprices we can always look into it. About the pitta bread; we give them free and you can always ask as much as you want if the waitress have not provided that tables with enough bread I will as the manager pay more attention to make sure each table will get enough pitta. I am happy to work with my customers and each comment you make to me personally will be looked at sincerely. About the toilet issues some people have been discussing; we are in th eprocess of providing a better and proper disable toilet; and also the urinal will be tiled up ; I believe some of the things are coming from cultural differences; the addressing customers as ladies is only being very kind in our culture; If that offended anyone I like to apologize very sincerely. ; Thank you for sharing your views and thank you for reading this. We work very hard to give you a better service; you can make sure of that.


  • edited 1:33AM
    Next question: paragraphing policy at Sugar Lounge.
  • edited 1:33AM
    I went to the sugar lounge recently for a birthday meal with a large group of friends and had a really great time. The food was great as were the service and entertainment. I agree the cocktails are a bit pricey but most of the drinking establishments round here are pricey for drinks. I think the Park Tavern is quite reasonably priced but I would expect a difference in price between a local boozer and more of a cocktail bar vibe. I'll be coming back anyway.
  • AliAli
    edited 1:33AM
    ADGs - A bit of a cheap comment. At least they are trying to respond to feedback
  • edited 1:33AM
    Sugar Lounge - thanks for taking the time to respond to all the comments made by various members of this forum.

    I've never been to Sugar Lounge (for no reason in particular), but do appreciate local businesses responding to local needs/wants/suggestions etc.
  • edited 1:33AM
    You have a masseur?

    Maybe you are charging too much for cocktails.....

    I don't think you're racist just that some of the poor loves around N4 are a bit over sensitive....
  • edited 1:33AM
    I am, in part, a sub-editor by trade. It's already a dying profession and if I don't occasionally make businesspeople feel bad about their English, it's going to fade out even quicker.
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    *I am, in part, a sub-editor by trade.* This is too fussy. Rewrite. Simpler.
  • edited 1:33AM
    Hello Sugar Lounge. (Do you have a name?) Thanks for the post. I think you'll find most people are pretty forgiving about pitta bread and cocktail prices and will appreciate that you come on here and explain what you're trying to do. People tend to be especially forgiving of independent businesses with hard working owners. But the door issue is more serious and it looks like you understand that. I think Dennis*, at the very least, should get a nice cocktail and a cuddle. *I don't know Dennis, so it's up to him.
  • edited 1:33AM
    Thank you sugar lounge, I will make sure Dennis sees this and hopefully he can come in for a word.
  • edited 1:33AM
    Hi Sugar Lounge - thanks for feedback, and your offer of more info - could you tell me how many shots of rum go into the jugs of mojito?

    @ ADGS - I thought it was funny.
  • edited 1:33AM
    I thought it was funny too.
  • edited 1:33AM
    All jokes aside, I think it's really good that Sugar Lounge came on here to address the concerns that were expressed.
    A small and welcome glimpse of the miracle that is the internet.
  • edited 1:33AM
    I'm also impressed that Sugar Lounge came on here and as I'm a big fan of the place, I was unhappy about the original thread and wondered a bit about it. I'm glad it was a bit of a misunderstanding and clearly not the door policy of the manager. thank you for coming on and explaining a bit more. I'm really glad you did.
  • LizLiz
    edited 1:33AM
    Sugar Lounge - thanks for taking the time to respond and being so thorough. Just to reassure you, there are mixed reviews for pretty much every bar/pub/restaurant on SGR somewhere on here, so don't take it personally - but as Andy says, the door policy issue is different and it's good that you've been able to let us all know what was going on from your perspective.
  • edited 1:33AM
    Sugar Lounge. Dennis is pleased that this issue has been addressed. We will be in to talk to you soon.
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    I am happy that I ve come on here; My name is bee; you can find me at the restaurant every day; If you are not completely satisfied with anything, any concerns as a customer please find me ; I am happy to talk personally; I ll make sure we are not going to be misunderstood again! please do come and enjoy sugar lounge; we have many offers on many days; the cocktails are going from £5- between 5 pm to 7 pm; meals on offer on mondays, tuesdays, thursdays; please check it out; Your feedback is important; i can only make it work with your help!
  • edited 1:33AM
    Hey Sugar Lounge

    My other half is planning big birthday lunch (20-30 people) one Sunday in April. We'll come in to chat to you about it. Hopefully we can benefit from your offer and deals!

    PS Also glad you didn't break your style and introduce any paragraphs. Evn thought I did also think that ADGS's comment was quite funny.
  • edited 1:33AM
    Enthusiastic use of the semicolon too in the most recent post.
  • edited 1:33AM
    They've got a website
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    And a facebook page
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    Hi, I have only just become a member of this site however I am an avid follower and think it's really great to see and hear what other people are talking about in the area.

    The reason I have signed up is that I wanted to share a really upsetting experience I had at Sugar Lounge on Saturday night. I felt strongly enough about the incident that I wanted to express my concern, so having trusted the comments on this site before I feel that this is the best place. Bee, perhaps you in particular can help as your comments above seem really nice and you do care about the reputation of Sugar Lounge. (Sorry for the length of this!)

    I went in for a couple of drinks with 2 female friends and went to the back as they had a live band on and the music was great. It was packed but we found a table towards the edge. Granted we were talking quite animatedly as you do after a couple but then were suddenly aware that the singer was making comments about our presence and apologising sarcastically for the Turkish music! It was very weird and unexpected so we stayed not really aware what she was talking about. Then it became totally apparent she did not want us there at all and over the microphone basically made us feel like we were incredibly unwelcome in the bar because we weren't Turkish.

    My friends and I were embarrassed and baffled but decided to slink off to the front to finish our drinks. I think the singer thought we were taking the piss, which we were so far from doing, her reaction came out of nowhere and was extremely unfair. The worst bit is this. A big burly man came over to us and stood over me with his arms folded and said he was the singer's brother. We asked why he was intimidating us and he refused to say but was very menacing and threatening and said we had a f*****g problem. Needless to say it became really horrible and he clearly was not going to leave us alone until we left. So we did. The whole incident started with a misunderstanding and we were treated disgustingly.
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    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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    @Lj1978 @misscara - Poor both of you and your chums. Both experiences sound bloody horrible. Hope Sugar Lounge have suitably apologetic and explanatory answers for you.
  • edited 1:33AM
    Hmmm, a very large group of us went for the aforementionned birthday party (posted in April).

    It was our first time there, and we started arriving from about 2pm Sunday afternoon and were the last to leave, after a jazz band, as they closed. Needless to say, after that long in there, we were all fantastically pissed and there was a certain amount of mischief and animated behavious going on. But they didn't say a word, we felt welcome throughout and didn't experience any unpleasantness at all.

    That could be because 20 odd people eating and drinking for a solid 10 hours made them good money? But I was surprised that nobody came over to ask us to calm down a bit...
  • edited 1:33AM
    I was in for the first time a couple of weeks back, just three of us there for a couple of hours in the afternoon. Possibly helped that it was quiet, but everything seemed fine, clean, good cocktails, perfectly pleasant staff. Only complaint was that one of my friends wanted to buy some of the art on the wall and this seemed so unprecedented that nobody knew how to oblige her.
  • edited 1:33AM
    The staff at the Sugar Lounge are absolutely lovely and anyone who thinks otherwise needs a lobotomy.
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    And they don't have a door policy. They rarely even have anyone on the door.

    I took my friend in there who couldn't drink alcohol because he was on medication and he brought alcohol free beer with him. Seeing as they didn't sell alcohol free beer, they agreed to put it in the fridge for him and serve it to him for free.
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    I know two of the male barstaff: Erman, the baby-faced Turkish guy, and Reze, the handsome South African. They are two of the nicest guys you could ever hope to meet. No offence, but if you find them cocky, you must be really insecure.
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    You did just vote Labour so you are obviously not the best judge of anything.
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    You're a cock.
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