Tesco closing

edited March 2007 in Reviews
One of the newbies has just posted that Tesco is closing for a wee while.
What's the story?


  • edited 1:30AM
    Refurbishment. It'll be closed from 18th - 26th March.
  • edited March 2007
    I just got back from Tesco. Lots of confused people running around trying to find things as most of the aisles have changed. They expanded the fruit & vegetable section. Nice. Oh, and as mentioned by Emma - there is a Krispy Kreme stand.
  • edited 1:30AM
    I didn't think much had changed to honest apart from those big pictures to let you know what a cauliflower or an onion looks like. And they've still got those crappy fridges leaking water all over the floor.
  • Did I notice a free cash machine? Is it? I do hope so. That'll be handy, won't it? Popped in to Pesky Tesco yesterday and saw they had a new "posh" section with balsamic vinegars and stuff in quaint bottles -- had a horrendous flashback and thought I was back in Muswell Hill for a moment -- at least, I think it's new but the whole shop's shifted gone all Tardis on me and I'm a bit confused... Is it still 2008?

    Also: why-oh-why don't they have a decent butchers round these parts? There's that shop at the hectic end of Stroud Green Road where they sell goat, three-legged chickens and alien seed pods, but where can I get meat-meat? NICE MEAT. WANT MEAT.
  • edited 1:30AM
    Yes Phil it is indeed a free cash machine. I've christened it already and judging by the lack of queue not many people have spotted it yet. See the <a href="http://www.stroudgreen.org/comments.php?DiscussionID=488&page=1#Item_16">Money Money Money </a>thread
  • edited 1:30AM
    There are a few reeeeeeeeal dodgy butchers at the Finsbury Park tube end of Stroud Green Road, yeah! A few years back one had a poster advertising 'COWS FEETS'. I didn't get any cows feets. Apparently there's a good butchers in Crouch End (Crouchers) but as IF I can be bothered to go all the way up there.
  • Hurrah, then, for the cash machine!

    Cows feets... I remember the cows feets sign, Emma! Must've been around 2002 or 2003. They used to have a sort of portable freezer, didn't they? It was like a shallow stainless steel sink on legs on which they piled bags of chicken portions and wheeled outside the shop. It was like an abominable pyramid of botulism. Ugh! Walking down that part of the road was like running a gauntlet of offal; decapitated turkeys hanging off the canopies with plastic bags tied round their necks for the blood to drain into; men hacking cardboard boxes open with knives like swords... *shudder*.

    The one in Crouchers is excellent. There is, of course, MEAT MASTER on Crouch Hill... but he sounds like something you'd find in the more difficult levels of a Dungeons and Dragons game... Or, perhaps, the title of an... ahem... "art" film...
  • edited 1:30AM
    The people in Meat Master seem very nice - not at all "arty". They sell me bones for the dog. Also, Rob at the Front Room Cafe recommended them, apparently they do have decent meat as well.
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