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Green Tomatoes

edited March 2007 in Local discussion
<>; Green taxi service, claims to cover our area. Not sure whether I particularly think this is good or that if say the driver is coming from the other side of town to pick me up it somewhat defeats the object.


  • edited 11:01PM
    They are, by all accounts, eye-wateringly expensive. If you think the old new new old dairy is expensive, sit in the back of a prius for 20 minutes. Better to walk/get the tube and throw any spare money at a passing allotment.
  • edited 11:01PM

    I have taken the slightly unusual step of joining your group because someone brought this chain to my attention.

    I am one of the founders of greentomatocars and read Andy's comments with genuine concern about his comment about our pricing. Our aim is to be priced so that making the greener choice does not entail paying more. If this is not the case, we really do want to know so we can assess the situation.

    Our experience is that the cab market in London is inconsistent in terms of pricing and sometimes we cost more than our competitors (though rarely), but "eye-wateringly expensive" set the alarm bells ringing.

    I'd be very grateful for any feedback on this so that we can ensure we are true to our word.

    Thanks in advance,

    Tom Pakenham

    p.s. by the way, we do encourage people not to take cabs for short journeys.
  • edited March 2007
    Give me a quote from Clapham Common to Stroud Green then, Tom. I just paid a taxi for that journey this very afternoon. That'll give us a good measure versus my local cab co.
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