I'm about to head out to Heathrow.
Despite the wider issue of this being a fool's errand, I'm keen to get people's views on how to get there.
- piccadilly all the way. Take's ages, cheap, reliable-ish
- minicab. quickish, but traffic carnage
- heathrow express. fast, expensive, but may well be broken down at present.
Any views? Any idea how long the piccadilly line takes?
Nothing wrong with the Piccadilly line, if you get a seat, have something good to read or want a snooze and don't have too much luggage with you. The journey takes about an hour.
You have to look out for service alterations a bit. Sometimes Heathrow lines are redirected to Uxbridge, but probably only when it's me travelling.
I am going to try to catch a flight. More in hope than expectation, to be honest.
I've just noticed that Admiral Ozzel has bought the Imperial Fleet out of lightspeed, so I think I'll head off now.
So the next time, he understandably wanted more of the same. However, rather than thinking it through and loitering groundside at the airport, he just set off very-nearly-late - cue signal failures, cabbies with no clue, general panic and having to pay to shift his seat to (coach class on) the next 'plane.
Those transport gods can smile on a daredevil, but not every time.
I prefer to get to an airport on time, have a drink (if past midday), read rather than rush for everything. But it can be a bit boring hanging out.
As regards the Heathrow express, I've only used it once when engineering works were occuring on the piccadilly line near Heathrow (it was complimentary if you had an oyster card). It was really nice and broke up the journey. However, I think I only saved 10 minutes maximum on the journey back to FP. I don't think it's worth the extra cost but I might consider it if it ran to and from Kings X.
We had already checked in online, and had only rucksack luggage, but despite arriving with 1 hour and 55 minutes left before boarding, the Virgin Jobs Worth wouldn't let us on as check in had closed 5 minutes earlier.
But we have checked in!! we wailed. But no, apparently the baggage security check in had closed 5 minutes earlier and they couldn't possibly be flexible for 2 rucksacks.
So, I started to think about negotiating the rucksacks as hand luggage. But Jobs Worth just smirked and waved us along. The I started to cry, like a big blub (I also had a raging hang over).
We had to wait 4 days for the next flight out and pay an additional £250 each. Pah to Virgin Atlantic.