Extra caution needed folks - Violent mugging Thorpedale/Corbyn.

edited January 2011 in Local discussion
I got the email below from a local pal today, when I have more details, descriptions etc. I'll add them. The one positive thing is that the police responded extremely quickly. I'm not generally one for scaremongering about crime as I still think we live in what is generally a quite safe area compared to others, but let's be careful out there people. "A friend was brutally mugged between Thorpedale and Corbyn road at 7.20am this morning. Apparently the police said it is becoming increasingly common for muggers to target those who go to work in the early morning as they are more likely to be carrying valuables/laptops etc. It was a truly terrifying attack. My friend managed to lock herself in her car, but her friend, approaching on foot, was caught, beaten to a pulp and hospitalised. Please be extra vigilent. I've asked her to send me something in writing and. when she does so. we would be v. grateful if one of you techno savvy people could place a warning on StroudGreen.org" Descriptions from my pal as follows... "Four blokes, early 20s : 1 black slim and tall wearing black puffa jacket with hood up, 1 white overweight wearing grey joggers and grey hoodie, 2 asian/mixed race dark clothes. They had their hoods up as they kicked friend to the ground, repeatedly kicked him in the face, broke his nose and caused severe bruising. Be extra careful and if you hear shouting and screaming do not ignore it and try to help. The police were fantastic as were the paramedics but these men are still at large."


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  • RegReg
    edited 1:13AM
    I was woken by the commotion and saw the tail end of it (although not the assault itself) He was badly shaken but managed to chase them down the road before giving up. I spoke to him and he seemed mainly disappointed to have lost his laptop. An ambulance arrived very quickly and treated him there for what looked like a broken nose. He then jumped in a police car for a drive around to see if they could spot them. The police were there in a flash - super quick. As for the friend in the car - she told me she happened to be pulling up and saw it happen. She then lent on her horn (which is what alerted me) and she gave chase in the car for a while (not sure why she gave up). An awful thing to happen.
  • edited 1:13AM
    There have been quite a few skanks hanging around in a group of about 10-15 on an evening in this area. They all looked pretty young to me, but quite possibly unconnected to the above...that said, i'm 80% sure i saw one dude wandering around with a baseball bat at 6.30pm last Thursday. These streets (Corbyn, Thorpedale etc) have always struck me as being quite nice and have typically been on my route home from the tube......they still will be.
  • edited 1:13AM
    Thanks for sharing Annie. I haven't noticed anyone particularly suspicious (I'm on Corbyn), but will update too, should I see or hear anything.
  • edited 1:13AM
    I'm glad i read this as I quite often walk this way and through Tollington park on my own. Might take a different route from now on.
  • edited 1:13AM
    Anyone up for my new vigilante club?
  • RegReg
    edited 1:13AM
    mazatar - silly reaction
  • edited 1:13AM
    What happened is quite shocking but hardly surprising in this area. It's no tranquil village. I think over the last ten years the finsbury park area has mellowed a bit, got a bit trendy with more restaurants, richer residents etc. but it's still Finsbury Park. These things happen but they've always happened here so there's no need to go avoiding streets. It's still very rare and you have to be unlucky for this to happen.
  • edited 1:13AM
    One of the reasons people like this area is because its edgy, if It wasn't you would have Yummy Mummy's in 3 wheeler prams everywhere talking about Hugo's school fees............This is Finsbury Park not Primrose Hill.
  • edited 1:13AM
    Apparently (my friend who lives on Thorpedale Road tells me) they were spotted yesterday morning (Tuesday 18th January) as well. He heard people talking about it on the tube.

    Is there a local neighbourhood-watch-type-thing?

    N4_bandit, it seems you're suggesting people would deliberately live in an area where they are likely to be beaten up if the alternative is to put up with 'hugo's school fees'. That can't be right, can it?
  • edited 1:13AM
    I think 'likely to be beaten up' is a bit strong, but yes, I would much rather live close to Finsbury Park than Crouch End.
  • edited 1:13AM
    Does anyone know if there ever been a Neighbourhood Watch for Corbyn /Thorpedale? It strikes me it wouldn't be too onerous to go to a chat from a local Copper, stick up a couple of signs and get in touch with your inner curtain twitcher... (and hopefully see a reduction in household insurance premium...)
  • edited 1:13AM
    @drumbeg - I'm in. Or alternatively, start up a protection racket. If there was one in FP, that chap in the supermarket would have been safe. Well, perhaps not safe in the first place, but the toerags would have been found days later, strung up from a lamp post like dead crows on a farmers gate.
  • edited 1:13AM
    Yeah, but if there was a Boondock Saints thing going on, the shopkeeper would be safe from the off *and* the toerags would have had a rapid and unpleasant end. No need to taint it with exploitative capitalism.
  • edited 1:13AM
    I did get a leaflet regarding a Corbyn/Thorpdale Neighbourhood Watch a few years ago. So one must exist. I'll try to find out more.

    In the meantime, I really don't think that we need to get unnecessarily worked up about this people.

    It's not happened as voilently before on these streets, but does happen in the environs. We just need to remain vigilant, look out for ourselves and others, and cross the road or go knock on someone's door if suspicious that these four geezers (or any other possible muggers) are approaching to have a go.

    Fortunatley or unfortunatley, I carry very little worth knicking. Usually only fruit, a pair of heels, about £1.83 and a groceries shopping list.

    Actually, all my heels are treasured, so I'd be a bit annoyed if an overweight hoddie in joggers bopped me one for them.
  • edited 1:13AM
    I'd be way beyond furious is anyone tried to steal my shoes.
  • edited 1:13AM
    Finsbury Park has always been a pretty rough area. Thats the charm of it.

    If I lived here ten years and took a beating once or had my shoes robbed in that time I'd be pretty satisfied with that ratio.
    Everyone's number gets called once in a while.

    What do you guys think?
  • edited 1:13AM
    Yup, it is London after all. I grew up in a nice bit of South London and there were occasionally early, i.e. 6.30am, muggings going on. And burglaries and stuff. It is just normal for a large city. We should relax. This should not detract from the seriousness of this particular incident which looks like it was carried out by gangs of yute (sp?) from the estates, and which the police will hopefully get on top of.
  • edited January 2011
    Thanks to that miss annie contribution, now I'm reminded by the only ever single by nineties Britpop mayflies Menswear, that had the line "i stole these shoes and ran away". <
  • edited 1:13AM
    A great track, though in fact the first and lowest charting of their six singles.
    (I'm going to a club named after their debut album tonight - and people said they'd have no legacy!)
  • edited 1:13AM
    six singles? surely not!
  • IanIan
    edited 1:13AM
    Daydreamer - they used to play that all the time at the Garage. Oh I miss the Garage...
  • edited 1:13AM
    My memory of Menswear is of them turning up at a friend's club mid 90s in Stoke Newington and trying to blag free entry by announcing themselves as Menswear with members of Shampoo. Other Britpop aristocracy were there as well Kris Needs and Primal Screem, but of course they got free entry as they were so cool. What a great nigtht! i miss those days.
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  • edited 1:13AM
    Stop Press: we are hoping to have a 'Garage' theme dance area at the Royal Wedding festival in Tollington Park, moving later to the the Lorne Road one. Exact timings to be confirmed. Subject to licence though (and the council are quite tricky about live music and any games involving projectiles) so contain your excitments until after the planning committe which is next month. Fingers crossed though.
  • edited January 2011
    Tom, I think it would be hard to have The Garage themed somewhere else and I think most of its former regulars would be anti-royalists. It deserves to be left at Highbury Corner. It has re-opened? I haven't been there for years. On of my favourite venues.
  • edited 1:13AM
    It's now called the Relentless Garage, and it was closed far longer than originally intended, but yes, it's back. They've taken out the false ceiling downstairs and made it much less of a sweatbox, which is great, but upstairs seems to have lost some of its character. My girlfriends DJing a new night there and they've got medievalist prog nutters Circulus playing the first night (on February 17th, plug plug).

    And yes, Menswear did six singles: I'll Manage Somehow, Daydreamer, Stardust ("Bobby boy's full of bravado..."), Sleeping In (the rubbish one), Being Brave and finally We Love You. Mercifully, there were no singles off the dismal second album which only came out in Japan.

    And if that's not Britpop obscurity enough, I am currently listening to Rialto.
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  • edited 1:13AM
    I imagine a lot depends on what bands you're seeing. Certainly the time I saw Atari Teenage Riot there, the first London gig I ever went to, was staggering - they needed that closeness. But too many others felt constricted by the space.

    And those details in full (I would link but can only find a Facebook event):
    Thursday 17th of February No Fiction Proudly presents the inaugural

    ...club night

    It's like No Fiction, but bigger, darker and better dressed.

    A new home for the post tribal musical misfits of the big smoke.

    We play:
    Add N to (x), Autokratz, Battles, Black Lips,David Bowie, Kate Bush, Caribou, Chew Lips, Credence Clearwater Revival, Crystal Castles, The Cure, The Dead Weather, DFA 1979, The Drums, Duran Duran, Dusty Springfield, Empire of the Sun, Erol Alkan, Errors, Everything Everything, Fenech Soler, Fever Ray, Friendly Fires, Foals, Gang of Four, Gary Numan, The Horrors, Human League, Iggy and The Stooges, Ipso Facto, Japan, Japandroids, Jefferson Airplane, Joy Division, The Knife, Kraftwerk, LCD Soundsystem, Le Tigre, The Like, Magazine, MGMT, My Bloody Valentine, Micachu, The New York Dolls, No Age, O. Children, OMD, Ou Est Le Swimming Pool, Public Enemy, The Rolling Stones, Roxy Music, Salem, Shocking Blue, Simple Minds, The Smiths, Sonic Youth, These New Puritans, Tiga, Two Door Cinema Club, Vampire Weekend, The Vandellas, The Velvelettes, Scott Walker, We Have Band, The Whip, Wild Beasts, X-Ray Specs, The XX, YMO, Zombie Zombie...
    And anything else we can bleed between those edges.

    To set us off on the right foot we have three truly innovative acts:




    Tickets are £5:

    Doors 8pm.
    Bands from 8.30
    Dancing after the bands 11 till 2am

    In honour of our special guests medieval psyche folk lords CIRCULUS
    Any dressed in medieval attire will be let in for FREE.
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