The Riviera

edited April 2007 in Local discussion
<>; What part of Paris are they talking about???????


  • edited 1:32AM
    That's from a while back. It is one of the daftest things I've ever read. DJ bars anyone?
  • edited 1:32AM
    Astonishingly lazy journalism.
  • edited 1:32AM
    Whoever wrote that just copied it from the the dodgy wiki page.
  • edited 1:32AM
    Chapter One qualifies as a DJ bar surely. Also, who's to say it doesn't resemble a Paris street? Probably one of those where all the riots took place last year, but still...
  • edited 1:32AM
    The Arguing Tramps who sit on the bench opposite the Wetherspoons add a certain special continental something to Stroud Green Road, I do feel.
  • edited 1:32AM
    My favourite tramp is the one who looks like Iggy Pop. Sometimes he sits in the car-slowing device thingy on Albert road with his top off. I'm yet to hear him sing though, so it might not actually be Iggy pop. He likes to sit on the bench opposite Tesco on a hot day too.
  • edited April 2007
    Heh. "The Arguing Tramps". Emma you make them sound like [Statler and Waldorf]( Also, I swear some of those guys sleep standing up outside Tesco's.
  • edited April 2007
    The Big Issue seller at the station is a nice guy and far from a tramp but I wanted to share <a href="">this nice portrait</a> of him taken this morning, not by me but a fellow Flickrite
  • edited 1:32AM
    The guys who argue on the bench across from Weatherspoons are neither funny or continental. Especially when they've got their ghetto-blaster-in-child's-buggy thing going. Believe me, there's certainly nothing good about it at 11:30pm when they're shouting at each other outside your bedroom window. </rant>
  • edited 1:32AM
    Come on Dominic, where's your sense of community spirit! You'll be saying next that there's something intimidating about the throng of tattooed chaps spilling out onto the street outside Wetherspoons, shouting at everyone.
  • edited 1:32AM
    Don't get me started... Against my best endeavours, I've become the Nimby that I always despised.
  • eded
    edited 1:32AM
    It's quite Parisian in that there's often a dog's egg waiting for me on the pavement when I leave the house.
  • edited 1:32AM
    Oh man. I've never lived anywhere as turdcentric as Upper Tollington Park. I know the road is on the way to the park but seriously, dogs, you can hold it a couple more minutes can't you?!
  • edited 1:32AM
    Did anyone see the tramp on the bench opposite the white lion this morning? he had a large display of shoes for sale on his bench.
  • IanIan
    edited 1:32AM
    I have started regularly taking action on the turd front. There is a form to fill out on the Islington website and they are supposed to respond. I think they should get those blokes that sit in the Smart Car raising revenue at the end of my road to get out once an hour with a bucket and spade. Apparently they can start fining £80 soon, so they can turn that cctv camera down the street ...
  • edited 1:32AM
    When we were in France, we were very taken with the motorbike with a vacuum cleaner on it. The bloke would scoot around the town all day, swiping stuff up. It was like Ghostbusters, but for dog poo.

    (and as responsible dog owners, we always go out armed with lots of litle bags)
  • edited 1:32AM
    Ian - that's a useful link, thanks. Although I just realised - I'm in Haringey, ack!
  • edited 1:32AM
    Haringey, Islington? You're in Stroud Green now Emma!
  • edited 1:32AM
    Without meaning to bang on about the tramps when the thread of this is clearly struggling to break free from that topic, did anyone see the mini concerto being performed outside Tesco this evening? there were actual musical instruments. I swear I saw a cello or something similar.
  • edited 1:32AM
    Yes I can confirm a sighting of the cello.....strangely they also had a bongo.....typically I was listening to my mp3 looked like they might have sounded good though.
  • edited 1:32AM
    I knew we should have gone for a walk rather than to IKEA Returns.
  • edited 1:32AM
    Ikea returns eh.... I know that section well.
  • edited April 2007
    I saw them during the day, it was a little wierd, sort of melancholy guitar chords with random lead cello. The bongo was inconsequential noodlings. I remember thinking _"actually that's not horrible as I expected"_. Accoustic Yo La Tengo perhaps, but that's taking it a bit far, possibly stunned and confused by not hating the noise.
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