If googling isn't cheating, then the answer apparently is as follows:
"The name is of 15th-century origin and indicated a marshy place overgrown with brushwood."
According to <http://www.hidden-london.com/stroudgreen.html>.
I saw a guided walk and they sent ages in front of the Old Dairy and the old Stapleton Hall - I think it was done through the Hornsey Historical Society.
Stroudgreen.net was a site once run by Doug, who is now registered on this site. He let the domain name lapse when he stopped updating it.
Like lots of sites like this, it died because there weren't enough people to talk crap on it. Whereas we have an incredibly high tolerance for talking crap, plus a shop and a map.
Stroudgreen.com points to this site. Dunno who owns other versions of the domain.