Graffiti on Woodstock Road

edited February 2008 in Local discussion
So there's a house just off SGR that has some fancy words written on its exterior wall. I can't remember what it says but whenever I walk past I think 'eh?' Anyone know what and why?


  • edited February 2008
    Do you mean this? If so, I'd not exactly call it graffiti... ![THAT IS ON IT AND IT IS COMPLETE](
  • edited 7:12AM
    Graffiti (singular: graffito; the plural is used as a mass noun) is the name for images or lettering scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any manner on property.

    But, yeah. And WHAT DOES IT MEAN, MAN?
  • edited February 2008
    My dictionary adds the word "illicitly" to that definition. But, yeah, what is it all about? The pins coming out of the board make me think it could be part of an old sign. Which reminds me about a shop front I saw in Brooklyn: ![EM EE UNSH]( EM EE UNSH = EMBEE SUNSHADE CO., INC. I found it after using Google to bring up a list of words containing "UNSH". Sunshades seemed the most obvious. I love Google.
  • edited February 2008
    When those letters first appeared there was a bunch of say 30 people all hanging around, wine glasses in hand, sort of half in and some out on the pavement and road, I couldn't quite see what was going on but got the impression it was an art gallery show. The art I remember, which I've seen around but can't find online was that 'statue' of what seemed to be a lifesize teenager, hooded and kneeling on the floor hunched over so you couldn't see their face - anyone know the one I mean? So I'm saying its an art gallery, or at least occasional space. I've never seen it open since.
  • edited 7:12AM
    I remember seeing a 'truckart' van with the 30 people and meaning to look it up but...
    then I went back to imagining they made props there...giant umbrellas and things.
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