How to catch a mouse?

grennersgrenners Ferme Park Road, N4
Does any one have any mouse catching tips not including the use of a cat?

We have mice which come from underneath the kitchen cupboards. We do not leave any food out and we clean up. We live in a first floor flat in a Victorian House. We have tried traps and also Rentokill branded poison both in little plastic traps and just placed in strategic locations loose on old saucers. No success yet no mice caught. The mice are not large in numbers and leave no particular signs but have been spotted between 2 am and 4 am. Very frustrating.


  • Try baiting your traps with peanut butter.
  • grennersgrenners Ferme Park Road, N4
    Tried it. Also tried chocolate as someone told me that was good.
  • Try to turn them into much loved pets? On a serious note - any reason why cat is not an option? Saying that - I got 4 and they sometimes used to bring mice in.. from outside...
  • grennersgrenners Ferme Park Road, N4
    Not a cat fan to be honest never have been. No desire to own a cat.
  • edited November 2016
    If you see one you have six. They have a litter every few weeks. They will come inside when it gets cold. Peppermint oil sometimes deters them but a cat is the only guaranteed solution.
  • It is difficult. I think I'm reasonably open minded about most lifestyle choices: marriage/not, children/not home-ownership/not one job for fifty years/freelancing - all can be fine and respectable ways to live. Not having a cat though, that's just wrong.
  • grennersgrenners Ferme Park Road, N4
    That's very judgemental.
  • You can put wire wool in any holes, they hate it for some reason.
  • They can't gnaw through the metal. Great if you have obvious holes and gaps. Try putting traps under shower tray and behind bath panel. Those are their favorite places as they are warm with all the water pipes running underneath.
  • edited November 2016
    It's all about the placement of the traps. I don't use poison anymore. It's a horrid death by internal bleeding, not very quick and you never really know if you've got them. Place the trap along where they run, normally right next to the skirting board. Put at a slight angle, so they'll stop and sniff it coming as they run along, one way or the other. You have to sort of 'be the mouse' when you're working out where to put the trap. But don't assume they are super intelligent. I've got so good at it now that I've normally killed the mouse within a day.
  • grennersgrenners Ferme Park Road, N4
    Dorothy I did put them along skating boards. But didnt work yet. What bait do you use?
  • Look for where the droppings are to see where the main run is. I don't think there's any magic bait. I used cheese and peanut butter and chocolate spread. Cheese worked less well. I know they are very attracted to peas. I thought I would try some mashed peas next time they come in. I think my dogs put them off coming into the open in my house. They can smell them under the floorboards, and sort of follow them, like they can see them under the ice.
  • I know, I know. I must be less judgmental.
  • grennersgrenners Ferme Park Road, N4
    They live under appliances and kitchen units so I saw one escaping under the fridge. It's old house and they must be in the walls and other flats. I found one in the living room at 3 am. So I tried to create a trap and nail it with my old crimean military sword which is on the wall. I took it off the wall from my great aunt Margarets house on the day of her funeral and smuggled it into my car. Didn't get the mouse.
  • No cats? Snakes are probably good. Everybody should have a few snakes. There is a entire appalling industry dedicated to producing mouse embryos to feed pet snakes, so this would cut out the middlemouse. Also, Mirandola might just have been joking.
  • grennersgrenners Ferme Park Road, N4
    Joking? I don't get it. Where's my sword? Probably easier to kill a cat.
  • Call Haringey council. They'll do three pest control visits for £120 (or £42 if you're on benefits).
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