Friends of Stroud Green & Harringay Library Meeting This Friday - March 3, 3.30pm Come along and find out how you can get involved in your local library Everyone welcome.
I will come HelenM as I don't work on Fridays, though I will have my children with me, hope that is ok. Do you have more details of the meeting and its purpose? I can try and get it publicised via the school mailing list.
@miss annie - we hold meetings and events at different times but they have to fall within the opening times of the library - 9am -7pm Monday - Friday and 9am - 5pm on Saturdays. We have a games afternoon on Saturday, March 11, 2-4pm as our next event. Adults an
Here is a link to a new facebook group where you can learn about events happening in the library, suggest your own and keep up to date with any threats to our library service. Please "like" the page if you are interested in Stroud Green and Harringay library.
Or, if you prefer, post on this thread if you have any ideas for events in the library and we can discuss whether we could make them happen.
This Saturday there is a Games event - come and play a range of Board Games - bring one you're bored of and swap it for a new one. - 2pm-4pm