"Everyone is invited to help with a clean-up / tidy / gardening at the Spinney on Granville Road, on Sunday (January 28) from 10am. Everyone welcome - just bring gloves and a smile!"
It's probably haunted, since the reason it's there at all is because a V2 rocket landed on the spot in 1945 and vapourised several houses and everyone in them. That's why its a gap in the houses. (Pedants are invited to correct my knowledge of WW2 armaments and dates.)
Pedants welcome. I couldn’t remember the difference between a V1 and a V2, and it was late and I was too busy/lazy to do the research which would have thrown up the date. Thanks JohnB!
A V1 was a flying, unmanned, aircraft type bomb with a distinctive noise; it flew sub sonically (Named as a Doodlebug). When the motor cut out, those of us that were around at the time were told that if it had flown over before it cut out , you were safe, as the explosion was about 12 - 15 seconds later. The V2 was a rocket and no sound came prior to a "big Bang" I heard several doodlebugs whilst living at the foot of Crouch Hill 1939 - 1948, maybe even the one in Granville Road ( in The Church of which I was christened in 1937! ( Holy Trinity) I think it was hit.
Will have to have a look