They've been on the Parkland Walk for a year or two. I think they originally came along the railway embankments from the Heath, via Gospel Oak. I saw dozens on the Heath yesterday, they're still a striking sight.
Hi I'm a journalist working on the local area. Has anyone got more information on these parakeets? Could make an interesting story. I'm happy to speak over the phone.
on that note, do you have any local concerns or news that you would want to talk about? I'm covering Tollington Ward so the area along and by Stroud Green Road.
Homelesness; dumping, littering, and the lack of street-cleaning; adults cycling on the pavement, violent crime, lack of policing, diminishing council services (on the Haringey side)… the list is endless, but starts with the most obvious few, which are somewhat predictable.
Thank you so much, that's a really useful starting point. I've had a walk round but in order to gain a better idea of what's affecting residents this is really helpful. Is the lack of street cleaning a big problem in the area / something the council is not doing enough of? I'm happy to have a chat over the phone if easier.