Mr Pak has plenty of other shops around London and a very successful website. Maybe he's just cashing in on the places where the property prices have gone bonkers.
Oat porridge with turnip tops and whey. Three times a day. I shall be abroad where the wine is cheap and the sun does not shine out of any part of Nigel Farage's anatomy.
I am getting Italian residency tomorrow. We'll have to see how any Brexit affects the situation but as of now it means I will live there half the year, pay taxes in Italy, carry on with my writing and other unpaid work, and pursue the same lifestyle I do now. I wont be moving out of SG, I'll have a foot in both camps and see what happens. In five years I'll be able to apply for a passport. Whoop whoop!
Comments +citizenship +property&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3tii0KvK4AIVzJPtCh0YgQ2GEAAYASAAEgKYwPD_BwE
Wine is probably not as good as that available for Krappy.
Farage has no worries about dual citizenship (quelle surprise).