Hi Neighbours
I am planning to fix up a room in the house but could do with some advice and/or opinions.
I live on Florence Road, top floor, so if anyone else lives on this road or is familiar with the houses there and can help, I'd be very grateful for any guidance.
I was wondering about 'building' in some IKEA wardrobes (
https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/cat/pax-fitted-wardrobes-29879)/bookshelves (
https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/cat/billy-series-28102/) to the walls and using wooden framing to give it a custom effect. But after researching into some nightmare renovations about built-in organisers I'm having second thoughts. I won't be building onto the inner exterior wall, but close to the wall near the fireplace. The room is slightly cold but I'm afraid of the cold air from the chimney breast creating some issues with the warm air. I am planning to ventilate the room well, by closing doors, opening windows and using a diffuser. Basically, I'm worried about mould growing in the room (and other parts of the home).
The idea is that the furniture will be flushed against the walls (possibly) without skirting boards and adding wooden frames to the top (maybe bottoms too, adding platform bases to achieve this). I've added some pictures to help.
The framing effect -
https://justagirlandherblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/PAX-Storage-from-Corner.jpgFlushing against the wall -
https://i0.wp.com/www.crazy-wonderful.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/IMG_0611.jpg?w=2000&ssl=1 There is a direct loft above, it hasn't been converted or insulated, but I'll be getting a roofer hopefully to sort out a leaking issue before fixing up the room (we have some small gaps in the roof).
I had mould issues in a smaller room in the house a few years ago and ended up getting acute pneumonia (and so did another family member), so least to say, I really want to avoid it again!
I've added a link of the floor plan if it helps -
https://www.canva.com/design/DAD6KeaX410/UGmKw6QS-CL3l_c34mv9DQ/view?utm_content=DAD6KeaX410&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebuttonSo if anyone has had any built-in furniture and would like to share their experiences (good or bad), I'd love to hear it.
I put cupboards in again but did them completely differently. I think it’s all about trying to get as much ventilation in as possible. Don’t put any wood flush with the wall and leave it bare. If you make a plinth at the bottom make some holes in it to let the air through. I put air bricks in the chimney breast and holes in the sides of the cupboards. I’ve had no issues this time.