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Member, Ninja


  • rich
    Hi- Was hoping you can help me. Have you heard about the plans at Osborne Grove in Finsbury Park N4 on Upper Tollington Park Road? They wish to knock down and put up a four storey building. Totally inappropriate for this area.
    November 2022
  • LB1

    I hope you don't mind this message but you seem to know John Jones well so I thought that you might be able to help me. May I please have some advice?

    I was sad to hear that John Jones has closed as it truly was the best.
    I am now at a loss to know where to go to get some large canvases stretched.

    Can you recommend someone of JJ's calibre please?

    Many thanks
    September 2020
    • Arkady
      Sorry, I followed the redevelopment of their building but I can't help with the framing I'm afraid - I use for cheap framing!
  • LND
    Hello there,

    I wondered if I could get your advice on a planning application at 106 Evershot Road to build a second storey onto the existing building.

    The extension will adversely affect the immediate neighbourhood - loss of light, invasion of privacy, contributing to an already over-crowded development, and unsympathetic to the heritage of the area.

    We have until 23 June to submit our comments to the council, and a group of local residents are getting together to create a suitable response.

    I wondered if you had any advice - the best way to approach this situation and any other tips that might add weight to the argument.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks very much,


    June 2019
  • geog_research
    Hi, I am doing a geography research project for a level about the Finsbury Park redevelopment and wondered if you could answer some questions. It would be a great help if you could!

    2) how long have you been a resident?
    I am a previous resident I am not a resident 0-5 years 5-10 years 10-15 years 15 years or more

    3) If not, what would you say you use the area for (name all that apply)
    Transport Work Shopping Culture Sport Outdoor activities Other

    In your opinion, what word or phrase best describes Finsbury park?

    How could Finsbury park be improved?
    Better infrastructure More efficient tube station More shops/ leisure activities Other (please say)

    What would you say is the best feature of Finsbury park?

    Do you feel safe in the area? (on a scale from 1 to 10)

    Do you feel the area is very polluted?
    Somewhat Yes No

    Do you feel the area is overcrowded?
    Somewhat Yes No

    How would you rate finsbury park overall (1 to 10)
    June 2017
  • Arkady changed his profile picture.
    February 2017
  • TescoPigeon
    Hi Arkady, I just wondered whether you are/were you into Citadel Miniatures? I recognise that Ultramarine insignia. I had a not insubstantial Dark Angels army back in the day :)
    February 2015
  • cristo
    Hello Arkady and a very happy New Year to you!<div><br></div><div>Arkady, I wanted to pass something by you for approval or not...</div><div><br></div><div>As you may or may not no, I have been running a secret supper club in Finsbury Park called Clandestinos for 5 years now and about to start up a new vegetarian one called Sweet Pea. In the summer I even did a little pop outside Munever's tailor shop on Fonthill Road.  What was really nice is that it brought neighbours together who came down and had a coffee and cake with us.</div><div><br></div><div>I would like to list the supper club dates on the forum as it would be nice to actually meet some of the people on SGO but also something different for those who might be interested.</div><div><br></div><div>I wanted to know if this would be allowable and if so which category is best to list and please let me know if I need to pay a listing fee?  Your thoughts and advice are greatly appreciated.</div><div><br></div><div>I also give a percentage of the profit to a charity so it's not all about business as usual.</div><div><br></div><div>Thank you,</div><div><br></div><div><img src=""><br></div>
    January 2015
  • Arkady approved H15C's membership application.
    Welcome Aboard!
    June 2014