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  • Andy - If the other development were cutting down trees (which to my knowledge, they aren't) then they'd be held accountable. It seems the reason you don't understand the point is because you're failing to see that there is a much bigger picture be…
  • Arkady - Not according to the latest research I particularly like the football analogy
  • Andy - Trees replaced with trees that will take decades to get even close to the maturity of the trees that are already there. I'm in no way approaching the 'change is bad' attitude. Change is good but as you say 'well-run and planned' ... appealing…
  • And there we have it. Doomed to death because of development or a so called 'bigger picture.' The trees along the pavement belong to all of us ... To appeal the councils original refusal to have trees with TPO's cut down just proves that vanity trum…
  • Hmm 'armchair critics' is an insulting comment to make and belittles genuine concern. If you pass the site twice a day every day, if it's in your community, if it adversely impacts your life then comments are justified. I can totally see 'the ot…
  • Arkady - there is nothing wrong at all with the trees on Lennox rd. They are perfectly healthy and beautiful trees. Whether this has been 'done to the death' or not, accountability and public opinion are very important. Particularly as the trees…
  • Kate hasn't been 'bashed'. She's defending John Jones' choice to kill a load of healthy mature trees, depriving local people and wildlife from having them. I don't think anyone was imaging SG looking like Bath or Upper St but it's worrying that …
  • Misscara - there are 7-8 more trees that are destined for the axe at a date after 12/3/14 They're the ones opposite the Worlds End. It might not be too late if enough pressure is put on the council.
  • Kate - Hardly childish. Childish is banding about words like ... 'Childish' Of course you're going to defend the plans. You're the ones who are killing trees. And yes, I took on board your justification for killing the trees opposite the Park…
  • And seven more trees unnecessarily being cut down. What exactly do John Jones and Islington BC have against wildlife? 
  • Cheers folks. I have a screen print of a tweet from Haringey Labour that says 'No residents views are being ignored, there's a consultation, as you know' In my opinion, the consultation was geared up as a box ticking exercise with no real questio…
  • I know it's set by government and not the local council but I find it worrying that there are only four things we could make objections to. The simple fact that they're applying before the events proposal has been passed is annoying enough, let …
  • Hello folks, just to let you know that we've set up an online petition regarding the proposed events policy. We're the only people who can stop this ridiculousness from going ahead. There will be some paper ones dotted around the area too (Park cafe…
  • For me it's about tough choices that look to the future and not satisfying the short term electorate. There's no bigger issue than the environment so I'll be voting for the Green Party. Better than spoiling a ballot or not voting at all. Different e…
  • Don't forget that the SGRA meeting with Simon Farrow is tonight from 7:30. Unfortunately I can't make it but it would be great if anyone from here who does were able to give us a summary afterwards.
  • Again, the council are wasting a hideous amount of money. £600k to Shoesmith. £3m in bonuses and they still proposed to waste £800k on better customer service in their call centre. Haringey Councils financial management is an absolute disgra…
  • @churros Actually, the council netted £130,000 from the SR. The police an extra £30,000. AND it's not 2 weeks of half a park it's actually 12 weeks!!!! Mew must all film out the so called consultation. The fact that they've allowed Live Nati…
  • @Detritus Yup, long suffering Leeds fan here. I've dropped hints with my lady about maybe getting a onesie or an all in sleeping bag for Xmas. I reckon it'll revolutionise afternoon naps. And fireworks? Yeah, Dilly has been in bits all week. The…
  • Cheers for this. If people can get there, I urge you to do so. I'm sure Farrow will be much better prepared than he was at his horror show the other week. The only people that can stop this going through are us.
  • Don't forget the bonuses for the Homes For Haringey staff. The councils target from the park is £165,000. They raised £130,000 from the SR gig alone. Now they have working parking meters, plus the fairs, circus, BMF and a boat load of filming (whic…
  • *Chang propaganda claxon*
  • Chris Packham said culling was not needed. He said instead people had to stop throwing food on the ground and into bins since that was contributing to a rises in numbers in urban areas. An RSPCA spokeswoman said the only reason a fox would att…
  • I agree Chang, it is about rebalancing. Unfortunately, it seems humans are far too superior/arrogant to realise or even care about nature to change anything.
  • The attitude to wildlife in this country is hysterical as a result of scaremongering. One unsubstantiated fox attack gets plastered across the press, cue precious humans throwing out paranoid personal opinion as 'perceived wisdom'. People love t…
  • Evil? Get over yourself, Chang. I think it's likely that foxes find the amount of people more 'alarming'. As usual, hysteria and scaremongering prevails in the face of nature. Over pruning in parks and green spaces, leaving out food, rubb…
  • I don't mean to be harsh on Kate (it's more the council I blame), however, the 'but we're planting new trees' argument is too easy to dish out and as I've already said, the benefits created by new trees are nothing to those of old mature trees. So…
  • @helen - Why would you be glad to move on from such an important subject? What if trees were removed from the Parkland walk or right outside your house because someone saw them as unsuitable for their plans? @kate - Of course you were given permi…
  • The point being that those trees had been here for years and are some of the best oxygen providers we have. There was an article the other week declaring Finsbury Park 'the lungs of London'. Well. not at the rate Islington and Haringey are ignoring …
  • It annoyed me that they cut down 8 London Plain trees for the development. And that their justification was 'They weren't native and we're planting new trees.' I'm sure the Starlings that lived in those trees will be chuffed to bits to have a few s…
  • @Arkady, I do know Kevin, yes. Great guy. The Friends of Finsbury Park point of view is that the council are using the park to make a clear profit. The £130,000 is profit, they then kept (as far as I'm aware) the £10,000 deposit (or an amount of) …