I've tried.... really I have



  • edited 2:42AM
    "I think the community of SG.org (very middle class, into SG as a pleasure zone rather than a place to live, probably access to a friend or relatives house in the country, skiing hoidays, shirt under jumper at the Seasons restaurant ) " Fuck rumbled. Penelope dwahling saddle the ponies we're orf to our castle in Hackney. Now where in my enormous council flat did I leave the keys to the porsche?
  • I found Tollington Tom extremely irritating but I don't think he deserved to be pushed out. I think this board has gone a bit tits-up. I reckon I'll follow Four Eyes and give it a rest for a bit, maybe I'll come back in the spring. Ciao amici.
  • edited 2:42AM
    Being called, in just one thread, 'nasty', 'hostile', self important' and 'a dog' is enough to make me go too. Lucky old TT to escape with having only his posts called weird and fantastical and no personal criticism at all. TTFN chaps.
  • edited 2:42AM
    #Andy? ##Andy? ###Andy? ####Andy? #Are you there? ##there? ###there? ####there? I think we're [the only two members again](http://www.stroudgreen.org/discussion/1).
  • edited 2:42AM
    This thread is the internet equivalent of a teenager's bedroom door slamming.
  • edited 2:42AM
    I'm still here. Can't we just get back to those threads where we share experiences of local dentists?
  • edited February 2011
    You're next Becky, you Season-lover, you.

    Earlier in this thread I was sent a link to a 'cyber-bullying' site.

    It's rubbish.

    This picture is of a woman in India who <a href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41550295">illegally scavenges coal</a> for a living.

    <img src="http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/j/MSNBC/Components/Slideshows/_production/ss-110212-indiamine/ss-110212-indiamine-02.ss_full.jpg" width="400">

    As I understand it, she is very keen to understand cyber-bullying, the difference between middle-middle-class, lower-middle-class and aspirational working class in a mixed community in one of the richest cities in the world. She is upset that people get called names on the internet. She is also keen that some people get a clue.
  • edited February 2011
    The difference between TollingtonTom and me is that I really am becky and I am myself on this site. If people criticise me then I'll take it personally. TollingtonTom is clearly an assumed persona so how can the person who is writing possibly take the criticism personally? The person who sets out to wind people up winds people up. Shocker...
  • edited 2:42AM
    on the upside, at least no-one's invoked hitler or the nazis yet
  • edited February 2011
    @Andy. I don't buy the whole thing about living in London and not feeling resentful towards affluent people. If people have made the money themselves through hard work, it's not so bad. I don't buy the whole Tory thing that we should all make cuts while the rich get away with it.

    Everyday I am thankful for my good health and having a roof over my head. I enjoy my life, but I think it's important to question the privileges some get through very little effort. I have known people with those privlieges and they are often nice people, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't question. I think that's what the rich want us to think: 'accept your lot'. I am glad that I don't live in a poor country, but I think the fact that we live in a rich city is even more reason to question how the wealth is distributed. I feel it a healthy reaction to feel resentful towards people with lots of wealth. On the other hand, I don't agree it's OK to claim benefits as a lifechoice rather than trying to work. Of course some people can't work for various reasons and need them.

    Spread the love.
  • edited 2:42AM
    Spread the love?

    It's you who seems to be spreading negativity. Judging people on where they eat and if they wear a jumper with a shirt is no different to another person judging someone for drinking Sunny Delight and avidly watching Jeremy Kyle.

    I thought this was meant to be a local website, to share local knowledge and maybe have a bit of banter, instead you seem to use it as forum for spreading your dislike of people who aren't like you.

    Good luck!
  • edited 2:42AM
    And here was me thinking that, as the first social bit of the Internet I've used where I wasn't primarily associating with geeks and/or Manics fans, this board might be less prone to people throwing their virtual toys out of their digital prams...
  • edited 2:42AM
    I'd just like to echo N4Matt's comments above rather than add my own rant.
  • edited 2:42AM
    What becky said.
  • edited 2:42AM
    Spot on, Becky.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited February 2011
    @ Misscara. I really don't see how I was offensive. I only commented that people had been hostile and acted like pack dogs at one stage last year. Even when I was very positive and gave up moaning I still got lots of snide remarks.

    My posts were polemical and even humourous (I guess I failed on that one). Do you really think that I was serious about thinking all people who wear a jumper over a shirt are the enemy? I'm prone to wearing a jumper over a t-shirt and even a shirt sometimes. I was referring to the increasing amount of 'posh boys' who are sniffing out 'seasons' etc. By the way, I don't like the aesthetic of Jeremy Kyle and sunny delight either. How many people comment on 'skinny jeans' type people?

    I think a lot of my posts were positive and focused on music, things I like around here etc. I wanted to get into a debate and I sure have. I concede I might have been too negative at times.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Dorcas and me are just back from a boozy Valentine's meal at Black Sea but we let the Lorne Road gang back for a poker game: I am useless at pretending. Came on here out of habit and forgot ,in my cups, I was an exile. But you all seem to have fallen out . Jumpers In Seasons, volcanic class conflict, calling Miss Annie names ? what is going on ? C'mon - feel the love, it's st Valentines and Vitor is smiling more than ever .


  • edited 2:42AM
    @ Misscara. What personal abuse have I ever given you? I've only ever deleted a post or two because I thought it was too negative about SL. I usually have a good memory.

    A lot of the moaning came after a dark time in my life and years of noise from across the street. The only reason why I went on about my income and housing was to explain I can't just move away from it easily. I wish I could.

    No hard feelings and I can understand how it probably seems from your point of view.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited February 2011
    I didn't mean to be over the top, but after years of noise it just got to me at a low time in life when I just wanted to relax in my flat without the constant noise from crowds of drunk people. Things over the winter have been a lot better from SL and I know that if things start getting bad again with the turn in the weather i won't moan on here but to the council.

    Anyway, sorry for all the moans and have a lovely week.
  • AliAli
    edited 2:42AM
    You will findit a lot mor difficult to complain to the Coouncil s Noise abatemant service is being cut
  • edited 2:42AM
    Ooo, what's [sink]? I'm with Becky too, although it isn't my real name, it's still me.
  • edited 2:42AM
    @Tosscat. Sink means that no matter how many posts are added to this thread, from a certain time last night even if people add to it, it won't be a top post, but it will sink down and down the list of threads. It's time for it to do so.

    @ Ali. I haven't seen any news of those particular cuts, but it won't be something I seek as it's not music noise that has been the problem but crowd noise. Again it's generally fine at the moment. The renewal of the license can be challenged if a number of complaints are received, especially if a petition is signed etc. I hope it won't be neccessary. Fingers crossed.
  • edited 2:42AM
    I've been away since Saturday morning and have just got back. Sorry SG.org but this is absolutely shameful. And to make matters worse you then decide to have several other arguments containing exactly the same behaviours that have just pushed someone out. Really, really poor.
  • edited 2:42AM
    I'm still here.
  • edited 2:42AM
    and I'm sinking along with my thread.... feeling thoroughly miserable about starting it at all
  • edited 2:42AM
    Well, don't be. I think life is messy and sometimes things aren't always linear. I think it got into the nuts and bolts of dynamics on here. I hope cleansing happened as a result and people got things out of their system. Hopefully people can move on from it and seek a new healthier dynamic on here.
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