Sable D'or opening soon!

edited February 2011 in Local discussion
We're getting a Sable D'or on Tollington Park. The hoardings are down, and it will be opening soon. It looks beautiful inside, I had a peek today. Looks very promising. A bakery and huge cafe.


  • edited 9:06AM
    Ooh! That's good news isn't it? Very good I think?
  • edited February 2011
    Is this replacing the cafe close to the junction with SGR?
  • AliAli
    edited 9:06AM
  • edited 9:06AM
    I think it's good. I don't want to moan just yet or anything, but I do find the staff in the Crouch End one a bit surly.
  • edited 9:06AM
    I wish it was Dunn's, I want to live in Dunn's and have cream cakes for tea every night.
  • edited 9:06AM
    Yes but when will someone bite the bullet and open up where the bakery next to Nandos used to be? Is it that doomed a location?
  • edited 9:06AM
    I too wish it was Dunn's but definitely welcome considering the space could have been taken by yet another Estate Agent or nail bar. Be interesting to see if they do well there, they'll probably pick up the overflow from the Front Room.
  • edited 9:06AM
    This is A Good Thing. Mmmm almond croissants...
  • FinFin
    edited 9:06AM
    Great news! An excellent cafe and some much needed variety (i.e. not a Turkish cafe or hair/beauty parlour), the lack of which I was bemoaning in a previous thread.

    I assume the location is where the Coffee Haven (or similar) used to be?
  • Is it a chain?
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  • edited 9:06AM
    <i>Is it a chain?</i>

    There are two others that I know of; one in each of Crouch End and Muswell Hill.
  • This is good news, it's a great cafe (and yes the Crouch End staff are terrible, but that is because they are never paid on time). Importantly for SG folk , Vitor, so close to the booming cafe action, is looking to do a deal to cut the hair of the staff in exchange for a supply of cakes in his salon . This is the kind of local cooperation we need more of eg David Cameron's Big Society. So, good news all round.
  • edited 9:06AM
    Great news!

    We thought it might be a Costa Coffee.

  • edited 9:06AM
    I notice another new opening next to Dotori - and it's yet another pizza place! Just what SGR was missing, I think we'd all agree.
  • edited 9:06AM
    @ADGS I saw the owners in there when I went past a couple of weeks ago and <i>one of them was smoking indoors</i>! I was all <i>Ummmmmmm, telling</i>. But I didn't actually tell anyone. Until now.
  • edited 9:06AM
    Whereabouts will Sable d'or be? can anyone pinpoint it on a map for me?
  • edited 9:06AM
    Next door to Davies and Davies estate agents.
  • edited 9:06AM
  • jj
    edited 9:06AM
    The owners smoking indoors <i>a couple of weeks ago</i>? The horse has bolted...

    [I'll get my coat]
  • edited 9:06AM
    Will it sell sausage rolls? That's what I need to know.
  • IanIan
    edited 9:06AM
    It isn't branded Sable D'Or - the signage is up now and it is called "Boulangerie Bon Matin". (Someone with good French might have an opinion on whether it should really have a "Du" in it.) It is also going going to be a viennoiserie according to the shop front. Peeked round the paper and it is a bit like Sable D'Or inside - wooden tables and the wood/wicker artisan chair thing. Tollington Park is looking quite nice these days. That Tom bloke was right .
  • edited 9:06AM
    Will be interesting to see whether it really serves as a baker's, and nit just a cafe. Anyone know of an opening date?
  • edited 9:06AM
    @Ian - like a stopped clock
  • edited 9:06AM
    Ooooh, it looks so nice inside! And the window display looks like it will be filled with loads of cakes. Note on the door says it's opening tomorrow. I'm really excited about this place.
  • edited 9:06AM
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  • IanIan
    edited 9:06AM
    It looks really nice in there. I peeked in and had a quick chat with the owner tonight who seemed really friendly. He was very excited about the opening tomorrow. They have done a really nice refurbishment job on it. They are baking on site and they have redone the back bit that was a smoking den previously. I hope it goes well for them.
  • edited 9:06AM
    I just popped in and it is lovely! There is a really nice feel to the place, very clean and bright but not clinical or cold. I am looking forward to sitting in for lunch one day.

    There were loads of delicious-looking cakes but not much bread, so I hope they widen their selection to include sourdough and rye etc. I had a nice croissant and a mini-cheescake which I haven't eaten yet but which looks beautiful. Prices are on the high side for FP but I think reasonable for what you get and there isn't anywhere else like it round here so I am happy to pay.

    I hope they prosper! I might get quite fat.
  • edited 9:06AM
    A little pricey the owner is really fab too. GO. GO THERE NOW.
  • I've just had lunch there. A delicious (I mean that) brioche, BAKED ON THE PREMISES, with goats cheese and red peppers. The place looks fabulous, limed oak floors, white metro-ish tiles, zinc fitments - a super job. The owner was there, nervous as heck, but the staff were delightful - smarter and sexier than the clientele (myself excluded). They could even have been French, except they didn't seem snotty at all. I bought cakes for tea and will report on each of them later.
    Apparently it opens at 7am (wtf?) so any early risers in N4 (there must be some) are in for a treat.
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