Missing Cat.Large long/medium haired Tabby: FOUND SAFE

edited May 2011 in Local discussion
Great news, our cat has turned up safe and sound with his original owners. We are very pleased that he has turned up safe after being missing for 15 days.
We would like to thank all the decent people on SG.org who have kept an eye out for him and have offered us help and advice on finding him.


  • edited May 2011
  • edited 9:11PM
    Thanks miss annie.
  • edited 9:11PM
    I saw your poster tonight and will keep a look out for him.
  • edited 9:11PM
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  • edited 9:11PM
  • edited May 2011
    Thanks to everyone for keeping an eye out, again I would like to say that he is a very big cat, not fat just large which should make it easier to spot him.

    He would spend a lot of time down Moray Mews at the far end behind the steel barrier and I assume in the back gardens of the houses on Hatley Road so I am concerned he may be locked in somewhere there. I will be putting up more posters around the area tomorrow.
  • edited 9:11PM
    We live in Hatley road, and have been keeping an eye out for him, but no sign yet. Good luck though, will keep my fingers crossed he turns up safe v soon.
  • edited 9:11PM
    I will keep an eye out too. Good luck.
  • edited 9:11PM
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  • edited 9:11PM
    He's called Grizzly but he may not respond to his name. We mainly call him Griz.
  • edited May 2011
    Great news, our cat has turned up safe and sound with his original owners. We are very pleased that he has turned up safe after being missing for 15 days.
    We would like to thank all the decent people on SG.org who have kept an eye out for him and have offered us help and advice on finding him.
  • edited 9:11PM

    I'm really sorry to hear about your missing cat. I live on the Florence Road end of Lorne Road and may have seen him in my back garden... We have a male cat and I was very suprised by how big this cat was! I have seen this cat twice the last time about a week ago but before that before yours went missing on April 30th so may not be the same cat. He was wearing a collar.. I'll keep an eye out and if I see him again I will have a closer look and let you know asap. I relaly hope you find him.

    Best wishes
  • edited 9:11PM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited May 2011
    If you think this is funny you obviously are mentally retarded or some kind of sick person. Do not soil my posts with your diseased mind ever again. I will be contacting the admin of this site requesting that your sick comments be removed. As the admin for this site was kind enough to upload a photo of my missing cat I am hopeful that he will remove your post. There is nothing funny about a lost cat.
  • edited 9:11PM
    Crikey. You clearly *really* love cats.

    I don't think it's being *lost* is funny per se. The wording of the poster, on the other hand, is hilarious.

    I eagerly await Andy’s adjudication on my retarded and sick crime.
  • edited 9:11PM
    Arkady just about sums up Stroudgreen.org at the moment and how the area as it is becoming. Lots of idiots who think they are better or untouchable, or just hilarious, whilst not considering other peoples feelings. As they say where I come from, you are a divvy. dbopenlock, I hope you find the cat and just don't get involved with the shit the idiots say on here. I LOVE N4 (sometimes)
  • edited 9:11PM
    I don't "really" love cats, I am just a human being. You on the other hand are a very sick person regardless of what Andy says.
  • edited May 2011
    I can't find the site rules right now - maybe there are none – but I suspect I haven’t broken any. Calling someone sick and retarded probably did though.

    Can a person not: like cats, hope that lost cats are found, while being amused at the wording of a poster?

    JFJ - you are one of the rudest people on the forum. When I called you on this in the past you stated that "it was just the way you roll" as though that justified it. Maybe you ‘roll’ with hypocrisy too.
  • edited 9:11PM
    I thought it was funny. I don't think it detracts from anyone else's efforts in trying to find your moggy. I'd be surprised if Andy took it down. It is a public forum after all and not all people feel so strongly about cats or indeed complete strangers who feel strongly about cats. There are no hard and fast rules about protocol, so long as they don't breach the site rules. Its the Brass Eye approach to comedy - nothing in life is so serious that its off limits. ps. I hope you find your cat.
  • edited May 2011
    dbopenlock I've a feeling this is one of those fights that happen over the internet because people can't see or hear each other and so miss social cues. I'd be heart-broken if either of my two cats disappeared and I really hope Grizzly's well and you find him. But I also don't think that Arkady meant any harm. edited to add - think this was accidental tactlessness or not getting how affected someone might be by a lost pet rather than malice.
  • edited 9:11PM
    JFJ might be rude but he has a point.

    Hope you find your cat, dbopenlock, but I think the comments stay. We rarely moderate unless we're suddenly in a libellous situation.
  • edited 9:11PM
    I may have been rude to you in the past Arkady, but I imagine it was in response to some of your ridiculous, stuck up idiocy. Not against someone who is asking for help, who will be suffering something close to grieving. Being rude might be the way I roll sometimes, but not when it comes to hurting the vulnerable. Now if you want to be an idiot, to me or otherwise, i think we should both leave this thread alone. And Sincers, what Arkady said is not 'Brasseye' style comedy, as Chris Morris didn't go up to people in hospital or at a funeral and take the piss, there is a difference between Comedy and being insensitive. This was the latter. I LOVE (certain people in) N4
  • edited 9:11PM
    Here's my two penn'orth The fact that someone has lost a cat that they care about is very sad. However, the wording on that particular poster was quite amusing. Calling someone sick and mentally retarded is just plain rude whatever the circumstances.
  • edited 9:11PM
    Actually JFJ, you decided that my appearance was a suitable target for ridicule. That may very well be true, but it does make you a hypocrite.
  • edited 9:11PM
    Some of these discussions become really embarressing. Someones lost a cat, they make an online plea for help, we empathise as we should (its a horrible experience for those concerned in my experience), someone inadvertently starts a discussion about whats appropriate for a forum by bypassing the self awareness they'd probably display had the same conversation took place face to face. I guess its par for the course to hide behind a screen and react how you really want to because there's no fall-out like normal life....i guess thats a good thing about forums and you get the real views of a community! However, in this case i don't think there's too much common sense flying around. Compassion needs to be shown, and at the same time people could be less abrasive.
  • edited 9:11PM
    You’re quite right Brodie. In real life I would have uttered some consoling words, maybe even offered to put a few pictures up, while noting the humorous combination of doleful-eyed tri-ped and terse description. We’d have had a chuckle, and with luck the said triped would have turned up with nothing (else) missing. Instead, stripped of the body language, eye-contact and verbal nods that assist us in day-to-day conversation, I appear to have invoked a shit-storm of righteous simplicity. Maybe we can all learn something.

    Be good to one another.

  • edited 9:11PM
    Surely the point is: where else could you have a discussion of this nature? You can quite easily accuse people of hiding behind the screen of the forum, but then you probably wouldn't get such a true picture of what was going on in their head; like Arkady remembered the three legged cat. He may not be much use looking out for a cat, but wanted to share something humourous instead. If anything its kept the thread alive. As for the Brass Eye example, I wasn't being specific but analogous. Some people are so sensitive. Others aren't.
  • edited May 2011
    You are right, these things are different face to face in real life, on a forum you can hide. Give me a ring Arkady and we can meet up. You can explain to me why you think it is a good idea to post your poison on a thread that I started for the sole purpose of looking for my missing quadruped and I will explain to you why you are wrong.
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