How cool is this?

edited March 2006 in General chat
We have put up a new discussion forum - and it's going to sit on


  • edited 5:36PM
    pretty cool. can we put in pictures of plum? He's a stroudgreen resident.

    i could start a dog owner forum.

    or a have you had your pet nicked forum - i imagine they'll be plenty of interest in that!
  • edited July 2008
    Sadly, this was our first post. It has all the hallmarks of a sgr classic.

    1. changing the subject
    2. talking about dogs
    3. talking about local crime
  • edited 5:36PM
    ... but sadly lacking in pizza, coffee and cake.
  • edited 5:36PM
    and Morrissey.

    and X-shit (oops - there I go again!)
  • edited 5:36PM
    Objection your honour. My question about local car dealers was not general chit-chat, it was local Stroud Green stuff, d'ye mind? Just because there aren't any.

    Anyway I have just bought a car from a local Kosovan. That'll be the one with the bullet holes.
  • edited 5:36PM
    Oblique 80s reference!
  • edited 5:36PM
    The Kosovan, or the car with the bullet holes?
  • edited 5:36PM
    a discussion forum? andy, it will never take off.
  • edited 5:36PM
    i was still talking about forums - not changing the subject. Never did put up the photos of plum though (referenced Plum in 52 discussions, 53 now - small proportion really. Although, probably not a small proportion when looking at my overall contribution!)
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