Lynne's face

edited August 2008 in Local discussion
Not being a political man, when a four-page survey from my local MP comes through the door, I tend to go all Sun, look at just the pictures for five seconds and then throw it in the bin. But that wasn't counting on the sheer force of will that is Lynne, making sure her face was on each page an average of 1.25 times. Still, a slightly lower ratio than the 7 times she's on her [own homepage]( _(not counting the flickr feed)_. Sorry Lynne, wish I could be more constructive about your survey but my only feedback is that yes, I know what you look like now. ![Lynne](


  • edited 12:39PM
    I meant to post this at the time but didn't get round to it and assumed you would all have seen it anyway - just in case you didn't... [Emergency!](
  • edited 12:39PM
    Yeah saw this when it came out, a horrible Tory pig trying to put her down - nice!
  • edited 12:39PM
    I have her latest publication (design inspired by Metro) from her at home I was going to scan in and update this thread with, but didn't feel members were that fussed about my face of Lynne bean counting. If you're curious, she clocked up 13 images over four pages. Its spiralling out of control I tell you.
  • edited 12:39PM
    Is this an obsession or part of your work?!
  • edited 12:39PM
    This thread is the first I heard about Lynne's so called "dizzyness", though I've been annoyed with her ever since when I lived on 'her side' of SG I got a terrible cut and paste reply from her office about something which I felt strongly about.

    That tory is trying to run her down to score political points but really it is a bit ridiculous to ring the fire brigade over a boiler making a noise, they're just going to come and turn it off!

    If you're nervous about going down there when its like that you could take the fuse out or turn your power off at the meter, then go and turn it off with the dial and then put the main power back on.

    This just makes her look like an idiot, especially because she talked about it in her blog! Why would you advertise the fact that you massively overreacted and wasted the firemen's time? Surely any sensible person would have kept it quiet..

    At least I don't have to wake up to her face on my doormat now I live on 'Jeremy Corbin's side'
  • edited 12:39PM
    Why advertise it ... well if the Fire Brigade agree with you it's the right thing to do, what's wrong with thanking them in public for what they do?

    I don't claim to be a boiler or Fire Brigade expert, but I'm amazed at the number of people following the incident who seem convinced they know better than the Fire Brigade about whether or not it was right to call them.

    Personally, I'll go for trusting the information from the horse's mouth if I'm in a similar situation ever, if that's all the same to you :-)
  • edited 12:39PM
    Well, that's questionable. What's the Fire Brigade going to say? That the dizzy MP wasted their time?

    I'm not a boiler expert, either, but I know how to turn it off. And that would the first thing I would do, rather than drag my kids outside in the middle of the night.

    Do boilers even explode?
  • edited January 2009
    @mp. You might not be a boiler or fire brigade expert, but you are a pretty active libdem, so as [mandy rice-davis]( might say ;) As far as I'm concerned, fair play to her. If you're in a position like hers and you're going to blog like she does, better to be totally transparent and take the rough with the smooth. And anyway, it's nowhere near as bad as the [Progesterex]( incident.
  • edited 12:39PM
    This is the first time I've heard of that too! Oh my god she comes accross as such a numpty.
  • edited 12:39PM
    Well ok, let's ask the question what I'd do. My boiler is gas powered. I know that in the past (when I had a suspected gas leak) I was told by the gas company to stay away from the property and not touch and switches (risk of sparking I guess).

    So I hear a noise coming from the boiler and, say, a wall is shaking (because remember this wasn't just a matter of a boiler making a bit of noise).

    Should I really go to the boiler and try to flip a switch to turn it off? That seems to run counter to the advice I've had before. Perhaps in some (or many) circumstances that might be a safe thing to do. But the fallout if I get it wrong could be very, very nasty.

    So why would it be sensible for me to say, "pah, forget all that wimpish stuff about gas and sparks and switches! I know better! I'll go and flip a switch, cos hey I'm that kind of person!"

    Of course, taking the other option doesn't mean disaster is certainly going to happen. But it does seem to me odd why many people seem *so* certain that following the advice of firemen is wrong.

    @rainbow_carnage - I think your comment highlights my point. If you're not sure whether boilers can explode, how can you be sure what the right thing to do is? (By the way, based on comments I've seen from firemen - yes they can and do.) As I said, I'm puzzled by this certainty.

    As for whether or not the Fire Brigade would criticise - well, they do criticise people for wasted calls, so I'm not convinced by your point on that, particularly as their line has been repeated (rather than contradicted) by firemen posting individually in the online comments I've seen.

    @andy Of course :-)
  • edited 12:39PM
    yes but the thing which is important isn't 'is it acceptable to call the fire brigade over a noisy gas boiler?' because I'm sure many clueless dizzy individuals do this all over london every day, and while its annoying for the firemen its not really malicious like hoax calls...

    the important question is 'does calling the fire bridage over a noisy gas boiler mean you're a bit lacking in common sense and perhaps indicate that you're a total numpty?'
  • edited 12:39PM
    i'm not sure whether an oven or a washing machine can explode, either, but it doesn't mean that i would be calling the fire department over it.

    and it's one thing for the emergency services to criticise people in general for wasting their time. it's another matter to criticise an MP.
  • edited January 2009
    @underscore_cue But it wasn't just a noisy boiler. Parts of the building were shaking. I'd have thought that's part of what you'd take into account when thinking "how serious does this seem?" But hey, I think we're not going to agree, so I suspect I've penned enough words on the topic and I'll sign off this discussion with two quotes (taken from comments on Lynne's blog):

    "Hi as a serving firefighter, I can honestly say you did exactly the right thing in calling out your local fire service. The fire service has a responsiblity to serve the community in all ways. Community safety is at the forefront of what we do, we would much rather see early action being taken than having to deal with the aftermath of a catastrophic failure. Your boiler could have potentially been life threatening either through a defective flue or indeed an explosion."


    "I'm a heating/gas engineer by trade, and I say you did the right thing."
  • edited 12:39PM
    if nothing else, a loyal defence. well done!
  • IanIan
    edited January 2009
    A couple of people leaving quotes in my own blog stating their "occupation" and backing up my point of view is exactly how I stand up my position usually. Only after that do I use "a friend of a friend" before going right to "people on the doorstep often say that they agree with me".
  • edited 12:39PM
    ok, I've come back after night out to see your 'defence' mp. I didn't realise parts of her house 'were shaking' and I can't be arsed to read her blog so I'll take your word on that, but....

    If she's not exagerating this then fair enough that could be quite worrying, and I suppose not everyone has thought through the options available when something suprising like that happens, so calling the fire brigade is one possibility, but... I still can't see myself or any of my mates in any doubt over this, you'd just turn off the boiler (at the fusebox as I said if you were worried about sparking) and if you were worried about gas you'd call the gas company.

    Isn't there a special number for gas emergencies? I think when they privatised gas suppliers it was promised this service would be state funded and always available. That would be the logical number to call if in doubt wouldn't it..

    You're right we won't agree. I still think she's a bit clueless as well as quite annoying.

    Btw this isn't about her politics. Fwiw I generally support the lib dems and if I hadn't had a bad exerience with Lynne's office she would have been my preferred choice for mp if I still lived in Haringey simply because she's a lib dem.
  • edited 12:39PM
    I'm glad I posted this now. By the way Bridget, isn't 'horrible Tory pig' tautology for you?
  • edited 12:39PM
    This is for David. I don't know when you birthday is but consider this an early (or late) present. <>;
  • edited 12:39PM
    That is so wrong. Oh and answer your bloody texts, Poxy.
  • edited 12:39PM
    This is cheaper than sending texts... Yes, we have a babysitter for Saturday.
  • edited 12:39PM
    Good god poxy. I know they say politics is showbiz for ugly people, but Andy Burnham?????? Jacqui Smith!!!!!
  • edited February 2009
    Thanks Poxy. In my never ending quest for statistics relating to images of Lynne's face, I thought I'd let everyone know she's got 421 images in her flickr stream and her face is on 396 of them.
  • edited 12:39PM
    "Dear Norris McWhirter, This morning I received "A letter from Lynne", a four page document in which the aforementioned Featherstone appears in a total of 14 photographs. For a minute it looks like she isn't in one of them (faith centre protest), but after a bit of searching, there she is. Is this a record?" Most of the actual letter appears to make sense, but I'm getting a bit worried about Lynne stepping over the fine line that separates "local M.P." from "cult of personality".
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