DP Estate Agents - Grrr!

edited September 2008 in Local discussion
Has anyone else ever had to deal with this estate agent?
They are our 'management agents' for the current flat in which we live. Just wanted warn anyone else who was thinking about getting a place with them and have a bit of a rant.

We have a number of things that need to be fixed urgently but seem to be ignored by them. One person in particular has been extremely rude and has called me a liar and hung up when I called. They fob us off everyday saying everything will be fixed by tomorrow. Just this week we were told we had 2 options - put up with it, or move out!....nice!
Really feeling at the end of our tether about this.
Basically wanted a rant and to warn anyone if they are thinking of renting somewhere from them to maybe think twice!


  • edited 2:07PM
    They're a bit rubbish - they still had our flat up in their window a whole year after we bought it. In the end I actually went in and told them to take it down or I'd report them. They were a bit grumpy about it.
    Davies and Davies, who we used to rent through, on the other hand, are great. And they have a lovely office too, the inside (and possibly outside?) of which is listed.
  • edited 2:07PM
    When I was renting in the area I always used Davies & Davies - they've always been excellent.
  • LizLiz
    edited 2:07PM
    I sold and bought through them last year - very pleased with the service (as I should have been as I was a double commission customer!).
  • edited 2:07PM
    Cool, thanks might be worth looking at Davies & Davies then. Thing is that it's so much bother to have to find somewhere else and move, would be happy enough if they would just fix things for us. At least then we wouldn't have to have any contact with them - same story today, fobbing us off saying someone is on the way to fix things but they can't make any promises that anything will actually get done! Grrr
  • edited 2:07PM
    Just what is it that requires fixing? Is it serious enough to threaten withholding rent? Mention this to them. In writing. And tell if it's not done by the time of the next rent day you will pay someone else to do the work and then deduct the costs from the rent. This has worked for me in the past.
  • AliAli
    edited 2:07PM
    Do you not have a contract which covers what happens in this situation and says how long they will take to fix things? It does sound like you need to start keeping a written record of conversations etc and start writing to them so there is a record of events etc as they may try and delay you getting back your bond if you just leave. Leaving is not abad threat as it casue them to loose income and annoy who ever owns the place as they will loose as well D&D are the best by far around here
  • AliAli
    edited 2:07PM
    Did you get thsi sorted in the end ?
  • edited 2:07PM
    DP is how I refer to dog poo, so you would never catch me using this agent.
  • edited 2:07PM
    As with many organisations, I think it all depends on the individual you are dealing with. I have never dealt with DP as a letting agent so can't comment on that, but as buying/selling agent I used a negotiator called Lee Warr on more than one occasion who was the best estate agent I have ever dealt with - although out of a very shallow talent pool, it has to be admitted. Unfortunately Lee moved on from Crouch Hill to the Crouch End office, and I was left dealing with a useless individual called Milo - a total waste of space, avoid at all costs. If you want decent service, ask to be referred to Lee.
  • edited 2:07PM
    actually woody, milo's my brother.
  • edited 2:07PM
    Oops, no offence intended, but nevertheless that was my experience.
  • edited 2:07PM
    sorry woody. It was a joke. Admittedly not a very funny one.
  • IanIan
    edited 2:07PM
    It's was funnier once Woody fell for it.
  • edited October 2008
    Honestly, you leave some comments to assist fellow SG-ers and end up a figure of fun... Humph.
  • edited 2:07PM
    Is it not 'harumph'? Woody, do you own the eponymous market?
  • edited 2:07PM
    DP in stroud green are awful. milo is so rude that if there are many more posts i think we should all get together and go to their ombudsman and report it. He gets paid but he does nothing but upset people. his wife, jenny, is the maintence lady and she does nothing either. If anyone is about to sign a contract ask for it to be managed up in the crouch end branch by lee warr who has integrity and is not of sub normal intelligence like Milo O'riley!
  • edited 2:07PM
    I've not found DP to be rude, but I have found them to be useless. Everything needs chasing. Davies and Davies, on the other hand, seem more than fine.
  • edited 2:07PM
    Don't get me started on Milo. He is an obnoxious character.
  • edited 2:07PM
    So what's Milo done that's so awful? Like I said, I've just found him to be ineffective.
  • edited November 2009
    I'm surprised to see Davies and Davies getting such good reviews. I bought through them; they told what turned out to be blatant lies and lost paperwork. I'd never use them again.
  • edited 2:07PM
    Anecdotal. We bought though D&D too and don't have a bad word to say about them.
  • benben
    edited 2:07PM
    I've had bad experiences dealing with D and D rental - an incredibly rude woman. For my money, Morris and Morris are the best local estate agent. Trustworthy guys, from what I can tell.... though maybe that's their trick.....
  • edited 2:07PM
    everything on this thread is anecdotal
  • edited December 2009
    This is the actual opinions of people who have had the misfortune to have to deal with them. We didn't get everything fixed in the end but to be honest they was so rude and horrible that we stopped following up once we got the essentials fixed. I have never had to deal with such a tw*t when renting a flat previously, he actually had me close to tears one day he was so rude (and it's not an easy feat usually). We are out of contract and currently trying to buy so still unfortunately with them - avoid contacting them if we can now. Avoid avoid avoid!!
  • edited 2:07PM
    btw what has "anecdotal" got to do with anything - it's a discussion thread not a court case...
  • edited 2:07PM
    I was merely trying to highlight that while Milo seems to be universally hated and justifiably so, not everyone thinks Davies & Davies are the devil. However, I'm starting to wonder how bad any of the mentioned are if use of the word anecdotal upsets so much.
  • edited 2:07PM
    What I'm taking from this thread - "Estate Agents in Stroud Green: middling".
  • edited 2:07PM
    ...and the DP aston martin had to go back - LOL - credit crunch perhaps?
  • This is one of the splendidest cattiest threads ever. Keep it up!
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