ch ch ch changes

edited November 2008 in Local discussion
1. That place that was a greek restaurant by Tesco's (for about five minutes) looks like it's about to reopen. It seems to have spent all of its refurb budget on LOTS OF NEON. 2. ex-Chrysos is definitely getting a refit. 3. Next to Porchetta is in full-on refurb mode and going to be the Sugar Lounge, Meze bar. 4. Last but not least, the world's best named shop "L'An 2000 Kompressor" has closed down. I am sad. Looks like SGR is defying the credit crunch.


  • edited November 2008
    #4 is indeed sad. it always made me think of <a href="">KOMPRESSOR DOES NOT DANCE</a>
  • edited 1:11PM
    The pancake/crepe rumour for the ex-Symposium/Hanoi was corroborated on Friday by our neighbours.

    The ex-Chrysos has got lovely polystyrene ceiling tiles and is looking more like an office than a shop (actually it looks a bit like an estate agents, but obviously that would be absurd).

    @RC: went to the breakfast club in Islington this morning. I didn't try them, but their Eggs Florentine looked very good indeed.
  • thank you, katiejane. i've looked at their website, and it sounds lovely. we're going to see a film in islington on sunday. going to try them for brunch afterwards.
  • edited 1:11PM
    I stopped and had a chat with the two guys who had bought/leased the old Symposium/Hanoi Grill and they said it was going to be a pancake place. Very friendly and charming they were too. They also said there would be live music, poetry readings, that sort of thing. Sounds good.
  • edited 1:11PM
    Poems and pancakes ... hmmm I'm not sure.
  • edited 1:11PM
    How long do we think it will survive? Place your bets here...
  • IanIan
    edited 1:11PM
    Looks like they will be opening reasonably soon - they had chairs and tables in today.
  • edited 1:11PM
    I'm going for optimism. After a last ditch Valentine's themed evening they will close at the end of Feb.
  • edited 1:11PM
    Any idea what the name of the pancake place will be? How about "A load of crepe"?
  • edited November 2008

    Dudley's Pancake House. I do declare.

    <a href="">yawn</a>
  • edited 1:11PM
    oh my word. a pancake house! just had a look at the menu and it makes me feel a bit sick. 46. Spicy-Ana £7.45 Slices of pepperoni, chorizo, jalapenos, homemade tomato sauce and cheese. - ON A PANCAKE?! and why is it called spicy-ana?
  • edited 1:11PM
    OH MY GOD! I'd prefer to go to Miso!
  • edited 1:11PM
    Oh well, I'll try it at least once.
  • edited 1:11PM
    I hope they're better at making pancakes than they are at making websites. How cheesy is that music?
  • edited 1:11PM
    Wow £4.10 for a lemon and sugar pancake!

    I will give it a go, supporting local new businesses and that
  • edited November 2008
    Pop over the road - I'll do you a lemon and sugar pancake for £1.50

    I can't say 'Dudley's' out loud without doing it in a ludicrous black country accent. Actually the same goes for 'Stoke' in a potteries accent. And on New Year's Day I go around singing New Year's Day by U2. And when I go to Waterloo, Waterloo Sunset by the Kinks...
  • edited 1:11PM
    It couldn't be the more obvious Waterloo by Abba could it? Oh no.
  • edited 1:11PM
    that website is dreadful and glitchy. and totally doesn't need to be in flash. actually (as a design student) it gives me hope. if the competition is that bad, i don't need to try so hard ;)
  • edited 1:11PM
    They sure have a large collection of ingredients on that menu.
  • edited November 2008
    Hellishly pricey for pancake place and as unaesthetic says the website doesn't need to be Flash. Also commits the cardinal sin of playing sound at you without your permission. 2 our of 10.
  • IanIan
    edited 1:11PM
    It looks a bit like My Old Dutch which I visited a few times in my early London years. Looked rather like pizzas but made out of pancakes and I doubt anyone would blink at £8 for a pizza. Curious taste and reasonably pleasant as I remember.
  • edited 1:11PM
    i've always meant to try my old dutch but haven't made it yet... walked past dudley's yesterday and the decor is really not that promising at all. but they may be worth a try.
  • We just got back from a lovely brunch at The Breakfast Club in Angel. Thank you, again, for the recommendation, katiejane! This place is fantastic. We had to queue for 20 minutes for a table, but it was worth it.

    My eggs florentine was delicious. Perfectly poached eggs. Spinach done just right. I had it with an side order of hash browns, which was more like home fries, but still tasty.

    And the bloody mary... my, oh my! It was the best bloody mary i've had in a long time that I did not make myself. With horseradish, celery, cucumbers and all. Mmmm. Delicious! Warmed me right up.

    And the coffee was pretty good, too.

    The only way it could've been improved was with some jazz in the background. Sunday afternoons are made for jazz, not Enya. But at least it wasn't the same horrible house music that you seem to hear in every restaurant these days.
  • edited November 2008
    Oh my goodness that website and menu are shocking
    Those prices, with a menu that sounds worse than a takeaway leaflet
    Creamy spinach *laced* with cheese and covered with our rich ratatouille sauce.
    I note that their offers don't cover bank holidays or pancake day!
  • edited 1:11PM
    The more I read it the more I wish Hanoi Grill had come to fruition.
  • edited 1:11PM
    A shockingly bad website with music that sounds like it's from a crap corporate video production or an elevator.

    Nil points.
  • edited 1:11PM
    Just when I'm thinking I might like to go to brunch with RC she comes up with the jazz line - quite brilliant.
  • edited 1:11PM
    Brilliant. I hate jazz too (like [Johnny]( ). Does that mean that Tosscat and I should go for brunch?
  • edited 1:11PM
    As much as I love jazz, I hate the thought of it being used as tasteful background music in a cafe. I don't know where that leaves me. Having brunch on my own probably.
  • edited 1:11PM
    I hate jazz too but quite like Shattered Dreams by Johnny Hates Jazz. I wish Hanoi Grill was opening too.
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