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Nutters asking for money

edited February 2009 in Local discussion

A few months' ago some woman rang my bell. She looked presentable enough. I went downstairs and she then proceeded to give me a cock and bull story about how she had lost her money or something and needed £10 to get home. I smelled a rat and refused. I then heard from someone that she'd been doing this for years.

Tonight a similar thing happened. This quite posh bloke (Although he did look a bit dishevelled) came up to me all flustered (Although I did think it a bit put on) saying 'are you local?'. Being quite proud of living in N4 I said, 'yes'. He then told me he was a 'psychiatrist' and that he worked for the 'Samaritans' but he'd been mugged and only had 'this mobile phone'. He showed me a pink motorola flip which looked about 100 years old and wasn't even switched on. He then asked me for £5 to get home. I could keep his phone he said as a guarantee.

I said no sorry mate and then heard him say the same thing to someone else in the street but this time he was a teacher or something!

Has anyone seen this odd man or woman?


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