BNP graffiti



  • edited 3:37PM
    omeletting you know, that's not funny
  • edited 3:37PM
    You can use <a href=""></a>; to report graffiti.

    No idea how well it works, but they do claim to have had 1,328 things fixed in the last month. I reported the massive potholes on SGR near the tube station, and some graffiti the other day, so I'll wait and see what happens.
  • edited 3:37PM
    @neilf It works pretty well for me, including for both Haringey and Islington. Haringey used to be pretty ropey in my experience, but a few well aimed complaints later and they seem to be getting to grips with reports via the site much better :-)

    The main failing (and that's not the site's fault) is where an issue is complicated (e.g. graffiti that turns out to be much harder to clean than it looks), and so nothing appears to happen in response to a report, you often don't get any feedback from the council. So it's hard to tell between the "council failing to do its job" and "council trying to sort out a knotty problem".
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