business memberships

edited June 2009 in About this site
We're thinking of creating some "business memberships" for some of the local businesses (we're thinking pubs, gyms, restaurants). They'd get a dedicated page, a comment form and could post stuff on their page (eg events, promotions). It would also give them some visibility with their customers, because they could take part in discussions. It would be cheaper and more effective than putting flyers through people's doors and we'd cover our increasing hosting costs. But it was important we got people's views before doing it. What do you think? Any feedback? Anyone know anybody who would want one?


  • edited 11:36AM
    Exclusive free stuff.

    A bunch of scans of menus is always a good idea
  • edited 11:36AM
    yep - good idea. plus they could maybe answer some of the unbridled criticism/praise officially.
  • edited June 2009
    I think that's a great idea - I would definitely be more inclined to shop/ eat somewhere if there was a promotion offered, which is a shame because all the vouchers you find are usually for chain stores/restaurants and I'd rather go somewhere independent if possible. Also if it reduces the number of flyers that come through the door that can only be good, plus you can sell the whole environmentally friendly thing if they produce fewer paper leaflets. I also agree with unaesthetic about being able to reply to comments, or even just view them. Would people be less inclined to post negative comments if they knew there was a high chance of the owner/staff reading them? Or maybe structure their negative comments in a more constructive manner?
  • IanIan
    edited 11:36AM
    I am honest about the local businesses in the hope that if they are negative they will read my comments and do something about them. I reckon there have been some really good examples of people responding to criticism well and I would be surprised if people felt like holding back.

    I would hope that people would keep commenting in the same vein - this is one of the best sites I have been a member of for good self-policing in avoiding downright rude without becoming anodyne.
  • edited 11:36AM
    Sounds good to me, for all the reasons mentioned above.
  • edited 11:36AM
    Thanks for all the really positive comments. To be honest, I'm slightly gutted that no-one has called us a sellout, but I notice that tosscat hasn't been online for a couple of days. @Alison13 - I think an even bigger sell to businesses over and above the environmentally friendly angle is that flyers just don't work. I get so many, and ignore the vast majority of them. @Ian - I hope so. I think if we had named people then it would/should allow good debate without everyone calling each other HItler.
  • edited June 2009
    It would only be a sell out if it were to masquerade as the Premium content we get on here already. No Chaps n Dames advertorial. Things need paying for Andy. As long as they're properly vetted etc
  • edited 11:36AM
    @Andy I think you planned this all along... Pretending to be altruistic, running a brilliant quirky forum at your own expense out of love for your neighbours.. And then when everyone's starry eyed and enamoured with your selfless devotion to the community and loveable self deprecating style you __SELL__OUT__ like the dirty advertising tycoon viral marketing scumbag profiteer that you really are.

    (joking !)
  • edited 11:36AM
    See, that's the comment I thought Tosscat would write.
  • edited 11:36AM
    I felt I had to step in as I think tosscat has had a funny turn (heatstroke?) or someone has tied him up in the cellar and logged in as him
  • edited 11:36AM
    If you're after a money-making opportunity you should start negotiating your cut of the potential property deal that's going on in a neighbouring thread....
  • edited June 2009
    In all seriousness, if you need to cover increased hosting costs why not just put up a PayPal link to let people make the odd small donation if they want to. I quite like the idea of the site being non-commercial and community funded. [Radio Paradise]( is a good example of a site that uses this sort of funding model really well, without ever making people feel under any pressure to contribute if they don't want/can't afford to.
  • edited 11:36AM
    What about producing some "I{heart}N4" transfers / stickers that restaurants & shops can put in their windows. Then locals can check all the witty and constructive reviews on here...

    drives traffic, publicises the site, maybe even gets a token amount of dish in through your doors...

    (should this be on the Merchandise thread?)
  • edited July 2009
    Could tell you a story or two about Radio Paradise. But I won't. Happy for the business idea to go ahead as long as the related content doesn't become too in-your-face advert
  • edited 11:36AM
    edited 11:36AM
    Has anything happened about this? IBD is "Integrated Body Dynamics" - the massage and other therapy clinic on Ferme Park Road. I'm an individual member of too, but I'd love to use the clinic's membership on to send members the odd bit of news about what we have on offer here. (It would definitely be occasional - I haven't got the energy to inundate you with daily bulletins.)

    Instead of having a web-page on for each business, how about you just set up a discussion thread in the local businesses section? Perhaps you could program it so that only Andy could start a thread in that section so there would be just one thread for each business. That way it would use all your current software and the only extra work would be instigating each thread. (I spend enough time up-dating my own website as it is, so I'd love not to have to up-date a page on yours.) If you want, businesses could still pay for the privilege, perhaps on an annual basis, but not have to pay "display ad" rates - or not at all if you don't want to be seen as selling out! (Can you tell we're a start-up business?)

    Justin at IBD
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