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Finsbury Park Station

edited June 2009 in General chat
Anyone know why the police were running down to the trains tonight about 9.45 .

Also a non uniform policewoman with walkie talkie who I must admit was the least obvious plain clothes police person I have ever seen.


  • edited June 2009
    This reminds me of an incident where a Crackhead had broke into my Neighbour's place years ago and was last seen running off to the Station for a getaway.

    The police were waiting for him at the station but was apparently punched in the face and couldn't apprehend him. (Hmm ... who's the 'Crack' head now ?)

    He jumped on a train to Walthamstow so they stopped it before it reached Seven Sisters Station but when they finally got to it, they couldn't find any traces of him. They concluded that he must have forced the doors open when the train stopped and took off.
  • edited 6:21AM
    They looked as if they had no idea which platform to go on as the man in the little box was shouting at them it was all keystone kops!
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