Good BBQ recipes

edited August 2009 in Local discussion
Just wondering if anyone had any good BBQ recipes they'd like to share. My favourite is marinate chicken in natural yoghurt, paprika, garlic and a bit of salt. Leave for a couple of hours in the fridge to let it marinate properly. Skewer and serve. Easy - and delicious!


  • If you have a BBQ with a good lid that lets you smoke your food then buy some of the Jack Daniels wood chips from Sainsbury's (made from the barrels JD is distilled in) and use them to get smokey and then cook either a side of Salmon or some trouts - they will taste fantastic and are just as nice cold the next day.
    Lamb and mint burgers are another fave of mine - very easy - lamb mince, onion and mint! Try to use fresh mint if you can.
    Finally, grate some ginger and garlic and then mix this into some honey and soy sauce. Marinate chicken in this mix for an hour or so before BBQ'ing - making me hungry just thinking about it.
  • edited 6:27AM
    Not so much a recipe but if you're in the market for a good BBQ book, have a look at this one.

    I own a copy myself and none of the recipes I've tried have failed me yet.
  • edited 6:27AM
    Thank you. I'll check that out. What I'm really looking for, I guess, is a good beef burger recipe. Any help would be much appreciated!
  • edited 6:27AM
    1lb good quality (but, fatty) beef, minced
    1 large egg, beaten
    1 or 2 slices of lightly toasted BROWN bread, blitzed to crumbs
    Black pepper
    More black pepper

    Mix everything together. Shape into patties. Not too thin. You're aiming for height = half diameter.

    Cover with cling-film and put in the fridge for at least two hours. Throw onto very hot bbq. Don't overcook.
  • Some sausages.
  • edited August 2009
    world-beating burgers:

    packet of beef mince
    1 small onion, finely chopped (i grate mine for extra juiciness)
    2/3 cloves garlic, chopped
    zest of a lemon
    1 small gherkin or a few cornichons, finely chopped
    handful of parsley, chopped
    salt & pepper

    mix it all up then shape as in poxy's recipe. it shouldn't need chilling. the gherkins sound funny but they don't taste like gherkins, they just add unspecified lovely flavour.

    i can't remember where i got that from but they are delicious, especially when served with this (i usually hate BBQ sauce but this is amazing):
  • edited 6:27AM
    thank you very much
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