'beardy charity guy'

edited September 2009 in Local discussion
Thanks for your contribution to the discussion. While I'm not particularly happy with the sobriquet 'dodgy', your description of me and my role is the most accurate so far. I've added my own comments to the general discussion.
Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)


  • edited 10:47AM
    beards are a bourgeois indulgence, they get caught in heavy machinery and lower productivity.
  • edited 10:47AM
    Indeed. Stakhanov was clean shaven
  • edited 10:47AM
    i believe senior apparatchiks are allowed to use the collective beard for one week a year, but that's different.
  • edited 10:47AM
    Hi, injoke.

    There is -- and I kid you not -- an organisation called the Beard Liberation Front, complete with its own newsletter. I, however, have been blackballed on the grounds that I once shaved mine off and went clean-shaven for about a week.I don't know what could have come over me!

    (PS to Andy: I recall seeing a pic of Stakhanov with a moustache. To what extent does that count, do you think?)

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