<i>PlanningAlerts.com is currently experiencing technical difficulties because of ongoing legal action by Royal Mail. Our provider of postcode data, ErnestMarples.com, has been taken offline because of legal action. Until we find an alternative source, PlanningAlerts.com will be unable to send out any email alerts, or publish data via it's API. We apologise for the inconvenience. For more information, visit the Ernest Marples Blog</i>
There was a bit on the news about Royal Mail clamping down on their postcode API. If you don't want to spend £4k a year, you can't have access to the post codes. Seems a shame that there's a couple of 'public' info resources that are being restricted (see also train times API, and 'where are post boxes?'), but if RM are skint I can see why they'd want to try and get some cash in any which way.
Re: 'where's the post box' Oh, looks like someone's implemented it. <a href="http://www.postboxr.co.uk/">postboxr</a> Seems like it's a manual process though where users can add post boxes to the map.
I looked for similar info last year and all I could find was a pdf someone had ripped off while working at Royal Mail and posted online.
Seems strange that a public business would obfuscate the effective point of use of their core service. Bonkers.
Our provider of postcode data, ErnestMarples.com, has been taken offline because of legal action. Until we find an alternative source, PlanningAlerts.com will be unable to send out any email alerts, or publish data via it's API. We apologise for the inconvenience. For more information, visit the Ernest Marples Blog</i>
Re: 'where's the post box'
Oh, looks like someone's implemented it. <a href="http://www.postboxr.co.uk/">postboxr</a> Seems like it's a manual process though where users can add post boxes to the map.
I looked for similar info last year and all I could find was a pdf someone had ripped off while working at Royal Mail and posted online.
Seems strange that a public business would obfuscate the effective point of use of their core service. Bonkers.