
edited November 2009 in Local discussion
In a round about kinda way there's an article about foxes in SG today. Well I think it's round here, given it mentions Simon Pegg being local and he seems to be in the Noble quite a lot.

[The Guardian](

What struck me was that it matches what I've noticed. There are a pair of young looking foxes who play in my back garden (SHR, north west side). I have watched them from my roof. They just piss about; entirely pointless and playful. Reminded me of monkeys. And they don't mind at all being watched, admittedly from 2 floors up.

Do you think we have particularly playful human-friendly foxes?

Also, has anyone seen Simon Pegg walking a Fox?

Maybe I should start a new thread: "top celeb spot with a wild mammal"?

Or maybe a celebrity with wild beast spot should score higher, bit like a triple word score in scrabble.


  • edited 4:09AM
    I want Wilson pointing at a fox in the next LibDem leaflet to hit my doormat.
  • edited 4:09AM
    There are bundles of foxes on Parkland Walk and the covered reservoir. They have a pretty distinctive smell. Most of the foxes round here seem to be pretty relaxed and confident.
  • edited 4:09AM
    What about Wilson pointing to a fox who has fallen into a pothole?

    I know it's difficult to describe smells, but I'm often running the parkland walk and have never noticed a fox smell. Almost certainly because I don't know what to smell for. Is it really very different to dogs?
  • edited 4:09AM
    You probably wouldn't notice it running on parkland walk (I don't), but when you're walking, there's a lingering, tangy smell that's really distinctive once you're aware of it.
  • edited 4:09AM
    Bundle? Is that more or less than a skulk?
  • edited 4:09AM
    Yeah but has anyone ever seen the <A href="">Muntjac</a> on the Parkland Walk? It's on the signs...
  • edited 4:09AM
    Er, that piece was mine. And yes, I do live in SG. I live near you, puzzlebobble, so they may be "my" foxes. My attempts to coax them back have had no luck - they obviously prefer you to me. I feel rejected. Disappointingly, Pegg said he was lying about the fox accompanying him on walks. Thankfully he seemed to get more ire about that than me not checking my fox facts and I didn't become the new Jan Moir. He does have foxes in his garden though.

    Haringey council told me I shouldn't try to keep them as pets. I didn't ask them about the muntjac, though you probably shouldn't try to keep one of them as a pet either.
  • edited 4:09AM
    I like the idea of these SG foxes being 'relaxed and confident'.
  • edited November 2009
    *and I didn't become the new Jan Moir* Chin up, there's always next time. You gotta have dreams and all that.
  • I have seen one just wandering down Tollington Park, looks pretty healthy, so I imagine he doesn't go as far as Hornsey Road.
    But it was also only about 9:30pm, it made me think it was actually planted there by some crafty Marketing Executive...

    They are pretty cool, and I am very sure they would make wicked pets..
  • edited 4:09AM
    @andy, thanks for the encouraging words. You're right, everyone needs a goal.

    I definitely think we should keep the foxwatch going.
  • LizLiz
    edited 4:09AM
    There was a fox family which lived in my neighbour's garden in my last flat and they were relaxed, often about in the day. Though very sadly one of the cubs died - I found it in my garden, think it had been hit by a car and was trying to get home but didn't make it. Made me cry. (But I used to cry at Lassie, so that's not saying much.)
  • edited 4:09AM
    We have one lives in our back garden through summer - ground floor flat is empty and garden overgrown so cosy and nice and quiet I'd imagine. Very cute when curled up sleeping in view. Not so cute when having noisy primal sex at night.
  • edited 4:09AM

    thanks, I shall keep an eye , well nose, out for tangy lingering smell on the parkland walk.


    apologies, I didn't realise it was you that wrote the article. They are a very fine pair of foxes- I was also tempted to feed them. It's a pity they wouldn't make good pets; they seem like the perfect choice for someone who can't choose between a dog and a cat. There are some wooden frames in my garden that they leap up like I can imagine no dog doing.

    Saying that there hasn't been much noise in the last week or two. hopefully they are alright. Maybe they're on a film shoot with Pegg.


    I beginning to think the muntjac is a myth. I've been running up there for years, at a variety of different times of day, and never caught sight of one. Maybe we should task one of or local councillors with getting photographed pointing at one; would probably be a nice break from road humps.
  • edited 4:09AM
    there's a relaxed and confident fox sitting in my back garden right now. It's nestled amogst the leaves and appears to be sunbathing in a shaft of light coming through the trees. It's all rather poetic. Conversely, I have also heard them having sex and that is very disturbing.
  • edited 4:09AM
    @emine, but which is cuter, a fox or a micropig?! would the foxes eat the pigs?
  • edited 4:09AM
    Does anyone think the fox in the new Gap kids advert is real? If it is, I'm jealous.

    (@puzzlebobble, don't worry, there's no reason you would have known it was me wot wrote it! I feel I've outed myself somewhat)
  • edited 4:09AM
    @sophie Micro pig! Without a doubt. I think a fox could eat a micro pig - another reason for keeping them inside and letting them sleep in your bed.
  • edited November 2009
    I love spotting the foxes around here. Last night I went out the pub, (Faltering Fullback) to make a phone call and there was one, very carefree, crossing the road at about 7pm. I often see them around there, once having a stand off with a cat, neither would move in case of crossing the others path. And of course we have them out the back. But I have noticed lately that the ones down here seem to be very mangy and bald.
    But not this one.
  • edited November 2009
    That photo link doesn't work..

    I bet its the same one I saw,
    Was it kinda gingery orange, with a bushy tail with white bits on the end, and a long snout?...

    Pretty sure its the same one..
  • edited November 2009
    Mangy foxes you say?

    <img src= alt="Basil" /></img>
  • edited 4:09AM
    My house backs on to the parkland walk way. Before the lawn was mowed the foxes shat on it. Wot a stink!The Munkjak were in, the pigeons plentiful and we had rats bigger than the cats.
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