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New local business: REWARDROBE, the 'slow wear' consultancy

edited December 2009 in Classifieds
Hello fellow SGRers,
I would like to introduce my new business to you as a community, and I would be very happy to hear your feedback.

I am a fashion consultant with an interest for the ethical and ecological issues related to fashion, and I have created REWARDROBE, London's first Slow Wear Consultancy - where 'slow wear' is inspired by the Slow movement, and in opposition to the concept of 'fast fashion'.

We are advocates of a more natural and sustainable wardrobe management. We combine fashion sense with awareness - we believe there is such a thing as responsible style.
We offer wardrobe organisation and style directions for all individuals who have a love for fashion and an aware lifestyle.
We can advise on various aspects of wardrobe management, from new and exciting ethical labels to traditional clothes care methods.
It is a service aimed at individuals, and it is meant to be an indulging and rewarding experience - all about the style, without any of the guilt.

I do visit clients anywhere in London, but I would be happy if my business was better known in my local area.
Also, I would be extremely grateful if you let me have your feedback about my concept.

You can find out more at

Thanks for your time


  • edited 11:01PM
    Thinking of the state of some of my jeans and t-shirts that refuse to be disposed of I think I may have pioneered the 'slow wear' concept years ago without realising. Good luck with it Veronica.
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