Finsbury Park station tunnel



  • edited 11:58AM
    Williamsboard has nothing on us.
  • IanIan
    edited March 2010
    @TC - the bolts not being rebated has started to vex me as well. Why is this so?
  • edited 11:58AM
    It'll end in tears Ian.
  • edited 11:58AM
    The new rails have been raised to the same height as the old ones now. Frustratingly, the new rails aren't in a smooth arc along the Wells Terrace entrance. If you look at it from the bottom of the tunnel, it's all over the place. Perhaps they'll fix that once it's finally installed.

    Anyone know the reasoning as to why they are now 'double railed'? My friend suggested that it was to stop people ducking underneath to change direction or go into the opposite 'lane'.

    I'm also not too happy about the white tiling they're putting on the staircase. It'll look like Oxford Circus, which in turn looks like a really large communal shower.
  • edited 11:58AM
    I’m hoping they do a good job with the tiling. Like Tosscat I’m a touch concerned that they’re just going to splash some poorly-matching paint onto the ones in the tunnels – or just leave them as they are – but fingers crossed they have some means of glazing them properly. It does seem that renovation is accelerating though. I really hope they don’t end up leaving all the roof-cabling exposed as they seem to have done in some stations whose renewal is supposedly ‘complete’. I don’t remember whether I mentioned this before, but going by the TFL station redevelopment map I’m pretty sure that the strip of black tiling in the Wells Terrace tunnel near the platform ‘bridge’ is where they will eventually extend the old tunnel from station place. I wonder whether City North will be made to pay for the Wells Terrace entrance recladding. Arky
  • edited 11:58AM
    They can't glaze things outside a kild sadly.
  • edited 11:58AM
    i'm eagerly awaiting the return of the convex mirrors at the bottom of the stairs. every morning since they've been gone, i've heard a train at the platform & run like a loon down the stairs, only to find it's the wrong line. never realised how much i rely on the mirrors to maintain my stairway dignity.
  • edited 11:58AM
    the trains sound a bit different - it is fun guessing which is which!
  • edited 11:58AM
    I miss the "acid distressed" early seventies tiles and the long brushed aluminium "London Transport Information" back lit sign that used to run along the wall opposite the cash-points in the Wells Terrace entrance. Anybody else notice? It gave the station a touch of 1970's Jetson-oid futurism.
    All gone now, to be replaced with what looks like "value" white tiles from Homebase now! I can see all that lovely white grout looking fabbo in a few years!
    As for the fast/slow walking in the tunnel debate... I'm on a strict diet to boost my girth so far that I am able to block all attempts to get past me as I waddle at an almost imperceptible pace. Mouhahaha. You will miss that one-every-two-minute Viccy line train you'd set your heart on. Mouhahaha.
  • edited 11:58AM
    Now that the railings are finished, my latest obsession has been watching the peculiarly slow and bemusingly non-linear way in which the roof-cladding is being applied. It's making a nice change to having to look at all the exposed cabling. The difference once you get into the main station corridor is huge - its like walking into a post-apocolyptic future. The crappy not-green tile replacements still erk me though, I hope they sort that. And the standard of the work on the way down tothe paltforms is open to question. A
  • edited 11:58AM
    Yes, but what the eff was going on at the station this morning? Why choose rush hour to herd everyone down one path in one entrance? One of the staff having to police this effort in pointless crowd control shook his head in bemusement and said to himself "This is a complete nightmare!", which kind of summed it up. I hope this was a one off experiment :(
  • edited 11:58AM
    I liked having to walk around to the other entrance in order to travel North on the Picadilly.

    Stupid - pointless - that's TFL!
  • edited 11:58AM
    According to our friend Monti, commuters are being 'trained' to go around that way due to certain entrances into the station and down to the platform being closed for refurbishment in coming weeks. A
  • edited 11:58AM
    But they aren't being refurbished at the moment? So...the assumption is we're too stupid to be able to manage a different entrance "on the day" and have to rehearse? Or is it the staff who are being trained? And don't we all already know how this works what with the closures when it's match day? All very odd.
  • edited 11:58AM
    Stupid TFL.
    Was worse yesterday, the gates were closed when I got there with loads of people waiting so I figured I would get the bus. An hour it took to get to Ludgate Circus, an HOUR!!!
    If only I wasn't too lazy to cycle...
  • edited 11:58AM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • AliAli
    edited 11:58AM
    bet you no one has sung his praises to TfL yet ??
  • edited 11:58AM
    Misscara - yes. Though it's definitely *Monti*. Ali - certainly not me. I will though, just let me get these pesky exams out of the way.
  • CatCat
    edited 11:58AM
    I found out today that one of my colleagues used to work with Monti and is still in touch with him. She's going to let him know how well liked he is by the people here.
  • edited 11:58AM
    Thanks Cat. TFL never replied.
  • edited 11:58AM
    if people walk all over the place just kick their heels, they should have enough common sense to keep to one side. If they don't just educate them. Life is short.
  • edited August 2010
    That was a bit of a joke, it's probably best not to do so!
  • edited 11:58AM
    Upsetting to see that the old green tiles are now painted over. I’m hoping it’s a base-coat for a later green one, but even that’s very far from the ideal solution.
  • edited 11:58AM
    they are obviously all in a rush to buy a wig
  • edited 11:58AM
    New to the website. Just read through the thread.

    Tunnels, tiles, Wells Terrace, annoying people, bla bla bla - look we are all the problem, not everyone else, its me you anyone who uses the station or reads this. If you hate crowds of people cramming the oyster machines, or people walking slowly go to work earlier so no one is around or get out of London and live on the Isle of Mull.

    Take drugs drink alcohol and dont worry.
  • edited 11:58AM
    Great first post. Thanks.
  • edited 11:58AM
    I've taken both and I'm still pissed off about the tiles. And I didn't paint them either, so don't give me that 'we're all responsible' stuff. Welcome.
  • edited 11:58AM
    Why have the green tiles been painted over - didn't they just retile the tunnels. I didn't think you painted tiles - am I missing something?
  • edited 11:58AM
    As a hand holder, i advise you to run, run as fast as you can Sutent, and I'll step aside and stop dawdling in the fast lane of tube life. You can stick your fingers up at me and my girlfriend as you charge past too, and no offence will be taken. It'll make me realise I'm not going to bask in the warm glow of my employers gratitude for arriving 2 minutes earlier.

    At least we don't all live in Mile End, it took them 2 years just to clad a column.
  • edited 11:58AM
    Painting over them would be vandalism but cheaper than retiling.

    However, as the bridge part of the tunnels has been done in the green and white colour scheme, I wonder if they've just put a wash of something over the green tiles to protect them until they can restore them properly or retile.

    It's seems unlikely I know, but I'm a glass half full kind of gal.
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