Big lunch

edited April 2010 in Local discussion
I have a recurring daydream in which a road gets closed for a street party. There are cakes and balloons and possibly deckchairs. It fits uncannily well with this:

Are there any stroud greeners who'd like to organise something like this?


  • edited 5:20AM
    NOt on Birnam please...
  • edited 5:20AM
  • edited 5:20AM
    Yeah, why not. It could be the perfect cover for doing away with your noisy neighbours!
  • edited 5:20AM
    @Mirandola - I do like the idea but after the week I have had I feel a NIMBY about such community ideas.

    @yagamuffin - that is a good idea actually... if I haven't already killed them by then

    I do remember the big street parties for Royal weddings in the 80's, much fun.. and ignorant bliss--

    OK lets do it.. I'll make a big trifle..
  • edited 5:20AM
    I love trifle!

    I'll provide bunting if you like and I'm really good at cake.
  • edited 5:20AM
    I could make lemonade. Home made lemonade is something of a revelation after the normal stuff.
  • edited 5:20AM
    I really like this idea!
    My flatmate is amazing at baking. I'm sure she'd be happy to bake her famous spirit and mixer cupcakes. Delicious.
  • edited 5:20AM
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  • edited 5:20AM
    I'll make rum punch. A
  • edited 5:20AM
    We tried to have a street party when I lived in Stokey. The council wanted loads of money for insurance and closing off the road. We couldn't have BBQs or bouncy castles coz of health and safety. In the end we scrapped the was too much faff. Picnic in the park sounds splendid!
  • edited 5:20AM
    Hey all, my partner and I are moving to Shaftesbury Road in a week and would really be up for a big picnic in the park, would be great to meet some fellow stroud greenies :-)

    I make some amazing sausage rolls! lol x
  • edited 5:20AM
    Pic-nics are good too. Last saturday in June?
  • edited 5:20AM
    Glastonbury's the last weekend in June.
  • edited 5:20AM
    @Arkady So it will be a good way to avoid all that crap music and 'entertainment' on the telly and the radio and the Internet and every sodding where you turn!
  • edited 5:20AM
    That also guarantees it will rain on that weekend.
  • edited 5:20AM
    It's rained two of the four times that I have been. All four have been amongst the best weeks of my life. The wettest was the best. A
  • edited 5:20AM
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  • edited April 2010
    I'd rather suck the Aids out of a chimp than go back to Glastonbury again.

    Fun while it lasted but ultimately full of twats who think the defining feature of a human being is judged by how many beans you've done or how many squat parties you've been to... and then all the chavvy cunt faces who don't even know that the Stone Circle exists cos they are attached to the cider bus near the pyramid stage. Or idiots in Trilby's with stick on Johnny Depp beards saying how this is the Best week of their life....

    And then if you don't go you have to watch Edith 'I'm a fucking retarded idiot' Bowman or Colin 'Felch Monkey' Murray chat shit about how life changing Editors set was on saturday blah blah blah...

    A nice pic-nic/street party will do me fine.
  • edited April 2010
    @JFJ: By 'fun while it lasted' do you mean that it isn't as good as it was, or that you had some kind of revelation? I’ve not been bothered by too many boorish drug-hounds there, and I suspect the ‘squat party’ types are rather in the minority now, for better or worse. Can’t help but agree that there are too many people who never leave the pyramid stage area though. There are plenty of other festivals with a better atmosphere, but Glastonbury is still the big one. Each to their own I guess. [PS: Are the ad hominem attacks quite necessary old boy?] A
  • edited 5:20AM
    Fun while it lasted refers to it getting bigger and more moeny hungry each year. And that it has lost a certain something as a result. Once Mean Fidler Bummed the life out of it that was that.

    I may mellow with age and nostalgia, but each of the last 4 times I have been it has been progressively worse. Each to their own indeed though.

    Loads of my friends go and will continue to. I may even be convinced in the future.

    But I am happy to stick with smaller festies now like SGP, although that is growing and I am sure that will go the same way.

    Basically I am getting old.
  • edited 5:20AM
    YES... Each to their own..

    Just really because you painted a hilarious picture of yourself, I feel it must be flogged.

    Nothing against you, or anyone really, it's just the way I roll... I am fully prepared for riposte.
  • edited 5:20AM
    Heh. I first went in 2005, post-fence, and perhaps that makes a difference. I never knew what it was like before, and I haven’t noted any particular decline that can’t be put down to nostalgia. I’m twitchy about the Mean Fiddler involvement too, but from what I know of the history there wasn’t much choice if the licence was to be renewed. Having said that, one or two of my friends who did go before the fence (and they are hardly Reading&Leeds types) think that the some of the more commercial aspects (which are still pretty subtle relative to all the other big festivals) are worth the general reduction in crime and a greater feeling of security – I’ve heard some real horror stories. I do think that the increase in size in 2007 was probably an error, but the size of the site has subsequently grown without an increase in numbers, and some really nice areas and new stages have emerged as a result. If you’re willing I’d be curious to know what specific changes provoked your ire. I hear very good things about SGP. We were going to go this year, but Green Man called again; it has an astonishing line-up this year, and last year once again proved brilliant despite the rubbish line-up (Jarvis Cocker really stank, disappointingly). Larmer Tree is also supposedly very good. OK flog away. I probably look more ridiculous in reality than you imagine. Based on your moniker you presumably have a much better beard. A
  • edited 5:20AM
    I'm not a festival fan really. It's the camping part I have problems with, don't believe that humans should sleep outside.

    I am keen on a big picnic or street party though.

    @Misscara, my birthday is on June 16th - we could go for the weekend in between and celebrate both our birthdays!
  • edited 5:20AM
    JArvis Headlined SGP last year and was Pants... Shame.

    Anyway we are getting off topic.. lets not forget netiquette :)
  • edited 5:20AM
    Told. For the record I'm very keen on some kind of gathering - the park idea might make sense as it wouldn't be street-specific. We could always take over the covered reservoir! A
  • edited August 2010
    Now that's a splendid idea! TNH might come if we're making use of it
  • edited 5:20AM
    Got a refund on the Glasto tickets this year, couldn't face it though I think that's because I'm getting old (and each year I've gone have been amazingly unluckily with the weather - i.e. it's royally pished down).

    Line-up wasn't all that, and there didn't seem to be much non-corporate atmosphere in 2008 when last attended. The fact Chas and Dave wouldn't be playing this year contributed to my cancellation in no small part.

    In short, I can likely attend the big lunch. Am sure almost everyone is relieved. Covered reservoir?! Great!!
  • edited 5:20AM
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  • edited 5:20AM
    Park is good for me too. Er... second Sunday in June?
  • edited 5:20AM
    Sounds good to me.
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