Does anyone know what the deal is with the crumbling tarmac area next to the tennis courts and skatepark in Finsbury Park.
It just sort of sits there being a bit of an eyesore and of no use to anyone.
I skateboard in the skatepark there, which is a good little park but very tight. If the area between it and the tennis courts was tarmaced or concreted smoothly and properly you'd have more room and could skate there too and potentially expand the park, at the moment that's not possible and just doesn't get used by anyone.
If it's not used for that then it may as well be turfed, or am I missing some secret use?
Was there a plan to do something with this area when the skatepark was originally built and then funding ran out.
That area has been concreted for years, and they dug the skatepark into it.
How is the skatepark btw? It looks a bit tight in the big bowl for comfort.
*too old for skating now, contents self with memories of the pipeline at Livi and falling on face of the big halfpipe at The Church in Partick*