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Fantastic internet/printing shop near Wells Terrace exit

edited September 2010 in Local discussion
I went to the internet shop near the Wells Terrace exit for the first time yesterday. It's called i-net. I needed to print out a photograph and something on photographic paper. I'd been to a couple of shops near my office in Soho and they were charging £9 per sheet of photographic paper. RIP-OFF! The i-net shop charged me £1. Not only that but the customers service was absolutely awesome, in that the guy spent about half an hour helping me - well doing it all for me - because my stuff wasn't the proper size or the proper format etc. The shops in Soho expected me to do it myself. If you ever need help printing out a photo or a booklet or whatever, I'd really recommend them. But I haven't tried using the internet there or anything.


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