Pie?! Fucking hate this cliche (self-perpetuated by unimaginitu northerners, by the way) about pie being a Northern culinary privilege. How many pie and mash shops do we have in London?
All of them. All. Of. The . Fucking. Pies.
Northerners lose.
Welsh people are scum, too. Yes, Taff Bach -- you! Xx
The proper Northerners think we are southerners and the southerners say we are northerners. We are basically the kids in the playground the rest of the nation pick on.
We midlanders would have our own independence movement if only we didn't hate ourselves more than outsiders.
Being a Worcestershire man I am *definitely* a Midlander. I’d agree with Ian that Stoke, like Nottingham, is in the Midlands. Everything north of there is The North.
Oxford plays a similar role in the south.
In my southerners' mind the Midlands is definitely up North, generally the mental line gets drawn just above Luton.
I'm aware that this is obviously nonsensical
The existence of South Shields rather foils your argument. The short answer being, 'because most places were named by ignorant parochial fucks with no idea of the country beyond a day's walk away'.
Spooky! I have a friend (who now has the good sense to live not far from here) who hails from the less famous North Shields, maybe that's what keeps it in my mind.
ow do you deal with the cognitive dissonance that occurs when you encounter signs to The Midlands a little further up the road?
As proof that the Midlands is up North
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Shields">South Shields is a coastal town in Tyne and Wear, England, located at the mouth of the River Tyne to Tyne Dock, and about 4.84 miles (7.79 km) downstream from Newcastle upon Tyne. The town has a population of 82,854,[1] and is part of the metropolitan borough of South Tyneside, which includes the riverside towns of Jarrow and Hebburn and the villages of Boldon, Cleadon and Whitburn. South Shields is represented in parliament by Labour MP David Miliband.</a>
Do the Midlanders have a say in this? Is it not contradictory to say that the Midlands is in one or the other... isn't that the point of calling it the Midlands?
On the train from London to Sheffield, after Derby and Chesterfield, there is a mile or so of rusting industrial ruins. For me, that is where the North begins.
I've never found a similarly clear boundary between the South and the Midlands. I think that may be in the accents.
@ADGS Outside of boundaries like seas and oceans, shurely looking for exact boundaries is like differentiating shades of grey. The question isn't where the line is drawn exactly, but merely that there is a line.
All of them. All. Of. The . Fucking. Pies.
Northerners lose.
Welsh people are scum, too. Yes, Taff Bach -- you! Xx
Two pieces of evidence:
1. This sign at Junction 13 of the M1. The place after Milton Keynes is "The North"
<img src="http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lgpoyeq3r51qgwatgo1_500.png" width=400>
<a href="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=m1+j13&aq=&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=10.914724,35.991211&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=M1,+WF3+3,+United+Kingdom&ll=52.024402,-0.596008&spn=0.088727,0.281181&z=12&layer=c&cbll=52.024734,-0.59653&panoid=F2njVBNdkWYOYTh9hyZvQQ&cbp=12,258.68,,0,-8.52">Google Map</a>
2. The next town is called Northampton. Why would it be called Northampton if it wasn't in the North?
But some are East and some are West.
I've never found a similarly clear boundary between the South and the Midlands. I think that may be in the accents.