New warning signs for the hypermodern transhuman age

edited October 2006 in General chat
<a href="">Its a flickr photoset</a>

I tell you want, I'm finding posting these things on here a lot more rewarding than posting them to rummaging...
Maybe I know that people would look at them here


  • edited 8:15PM
    Don't feel that you're under any obligation to make sense, pete.
  • edited 8:15PM
    It's the community factor. Blogs talk to people, forums are more chatty. Hey, we could maybe make a blog that's part of community. It'd be huge. We could call it mySpace. Oh.
  • edited 8:15PM
    I saw a vanilla extention that put RSS feeds on every thread, and even the whole thing.
    I wonder if its possible to insert RSS feeds "into" the forum. Then create the groups which transfer to here.

    If I could make vanilla bloody work on mywebsite, I would be a happy man.

    But it makes no sense to me.
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