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pram attack post natal buggy workouts

edited April 2011 in Local discussion
wow I have lived in north 4 all my life and only found out about this site today how long has it been running any ideas??

I only found out today as i was teaching my pram attack class which is a mums and baby post natal class in finsbury park, when one of my members suggested i should adevertise on this site so here i am.
so if anyone would like to know about my pram attack sessions i hold in finsbury park, pls contact me or if you need any advice on post natal exercise.

I have been teaching for 22 years now but only started post natal 6 years ago after having my second child who is now 4 i thought of a class i could do for post natal mums who can bring there babies with them baby gets out and about while mum gets fit and also meets other mums who want to exercise but also socialise. pram attack website is also if you mention this website come along for a free trial see if pram attack is for you.


  • edited 9:35AM
    I saw a group of mothers doing this on Hampstead Heath a few years ago, was that you too? Looked like very hard work!
  • edited 9:35AM
    No there's lots of pram fit groups going on now days,
    it's really took off !!

    It's just a great way to get fit when you can't get to the gym anymore and although we have lots of laughs and chats it is tough :))
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