Vote for me!

Right-ho then, the Stapleton has announced its revived Mayor and Corporation election on Thursday and I'm up for it - who else? VOTE FOR ME!

This is a serious matter and I'll be looking for a small campaign staff now - Spin Doctor, Image Consultant, Policy Advisor, Joke Writer, Food Taster, Bribe Collector etc. If you think you have what it takes to join Team Krappyrubsnif, apply now! (Mayoral policy manifesto follows).

Where's the opposition? Show yourselves!



  • edited 11:40AM
    where's the "like" button?????
  • edited 11:40AM
    I seem to be failing to set the world alight here. Pah - young people these days (1776). No interest in politics.
  • edited 11:40AM
    You need a manifesto. What are your policies?
  • edited 11:40AM
    The Stapleton are kicking this off on Thursday night from 20:00. I'll be there to vote KRS. I might even don my fob-watch.
  • edited 11:40AM
    Me too. I'll also try to sport a suitably 18th century accessory, perhaps a fan.
  • edited 11:40AM
    Of course the first part of my manifesto will be free porter for all the workers (and as an alehouse the Stapleton is ideally placed for this) and the grant of a free-range chicken for every tenant worth less than thirty shillings on Stroud Green Lane. I'm not paying for any of this mind.

    It's not much of an election if there's only one candidate, is it?
  • AliAli
    edited 11:40AM
    How is the vote being conducted as it is on Yes/No AV day !
  • edited 11:40AM
    I have no idea as that's up to the Stapleton Tavern and they do seem a bit vague. I shall be up there tonight to fill in my nomination forms.

    Anyway apparently they are doing some kind of buffet menu including something vaguely eighteenth century (I don't know, gruel or summat) and unveiling the badge / mayor at 8pm.

    My preferred option is LPP (last past the post).
  • edited 11:40AM
    Is there not a chance that a rival forum (say) Haringeyonline has a Krappyrubsnif (sp.) equivalent and that if we want a "" mayor, we should back our one and only candidate?
  • edited 11:40AM
    I have been informed thatthe barmaids will be dressed as wenches.
  • edited 11:40AM
    hello all!

    yes, the barmaids shall indeed be dressed as wenches! the costumes are being finalised today.

    in terms of the elections, we now have 6 nominees. at 8 the badge will be unveiled, and then after that all the nominees will have 2 minutes in which to say their piece, after which we shall be passing round voting slips and then having a count and crowning the new mayor!

    we are all very excited and hoping for a super splendid evening! all mayor nominees, get your most persuasive speeches ready! xxxx
  • edited 11:40AM
  • edited 11:40AM
    KRS - you need to memorise the entire Stroud Green Corporation song.
  • edited 11:40AM
    I was thinking of getting it set to music - any volunteers?

    It's on Wikipedia.
  • edited 11:40AM
    I regret that I shall be off continent on Thursday but wish to vote for Mayor K, Stroud Greens answer to John Profumo. Does this mean that the rest of you will be in continent? If it is AV my second vote would be for Tom the bar man, though only half a vote.
  • edited 11:40AM
    On reflection and in order to spice things up a bit in what is obviously going to be a very lacklustre election, I am willing to enter into a coalition. Are there any takers? I was thinking....errrrr......well maybe going halves on a celebration pint (and then fisticuffs in the street afterwards).
  • edited 11:40AM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 11:40AM
    Vote for David or he'll turn the site off. And then where will we all be?
  • edited 11:40AM
    There's a point, however In my book the rightful mayor is the man who does the BEST PIZZA in the district. And we all know WHO THAT IS!
  • edited 11:40AM

  • edited 11:40AM
    Hello all, change of plan. I have decided not to stand for mayor after all. I'm withdrawing my candidacy - I'm sure there's someone else out there. (*Screech of brakes and sound of sudden U-turn*)

    I quite like the historical aspects of the Stroud Green Badge and the idea of reviving the 'Mayor and Corporation' again after 250 years is appealing in a sentimental kind of way, so good luck to the Stapleton. But personally, 'drinking clubs' just aren't my scene at all.

    I like a tipple though so I will look in to see the new badge in place and have a drink to the memory of Sir Thomas Legg, whoever he was, but I've got something on earlier in the evening so won't make it until some time around 9pm - hopefully the wenches will still be there (I'll bring my own).
  • edited 11:40AM
  • edited 11:40AM
    Ah well never mind people, we've still got, I believe, 5 people up for the election, and we'll be taking last minute nominations before the ceremony. We have a mayoral chain and cape ready for the coronation of the chosen Mayor, and I'm sure there will be nothing lacklustre about the candidate's speeches!

    As Beth has mentioned, the ceremony starts at 8 with the unveiling of the badge, which really is stunning, followed by the election of The Corporation's mayor. We'll also have a special 'Corporation Ale' and Olde Tyme food available for the evening.

    Hope to see some of you at the Stapleton tonight in celebration of what is a piece of genuine local history and a bit of good fun to boot.

    All the best

  • edited 11:40AM
    What's the score with the buffet Tom - cost, etc?
  • edited 11:40AM
    Nibbles/Buffet free, plus we'll be running a full menu for anyone that wants a proper feed. But the main point to note is, yes, there will be FREE FOOD!!! x
  • edited 11:40AM
    Though my loyalty to the Stapleton is without question, I admit that's what I was getting at.
  • edited 11:40AM
    If the mayor is to be chosen in a proper eighteenth-century election then it will need to be oiled with lots of drink and extravagant promises, not to mention bribes. The vote must be public, open for several days and based on a small, not necessarily logical electorate. I suggest myself and taffbach ( I can receive his bribes too given that he is away!) as voters. The election might well provoke riots but should at the very least consist of several different camps with their followers, with any ill voters carried in to the venue if the voting gets close. A pub is probably the most authentic location.
  • edited 11:40AM
    So, who won?
  • edited 11:40AM
    A fellah called Daniel who seemed… charming. I think you had to be there to understand. He took it quite seriously. I must say he looked splendid in his regalia. He is also the only person I’ve ever seen who drinks Guinness through a straw. It was a really fun night. The wenches deserve great praise. My only complaint is that the promised buffet didn’t materialise (though it was rumoured that a few nibbles were passed out at the bar) and as a consequence I got quite pissed. This was in no way my fault.
  • edited 11:40AM
    @Arkady - there was a buffet of sorts, but it was exclusively distributed within the other half of the pub. It did look good though, something like six or seven pretty big platters of various canapés left the kitchen after the Mayor was sworn in. We didn't get any of if either. The new badge looks good, was there an opportunity to buy small badges on the night? I thought I heard something about it during the night.
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