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Homes for Islington and major works

edited May 2011 in Local discussion
I own an ex local athority flat and last year, Homes for Islington (HFI) charged me what I think a fortune for really shoddy work. I am very unahppy about this, made more so by the fact that that I cannot seem to get a single coherent response to any of my queries from HFI.

Has anyone else got this problem? I am trying to write a complaint letter to someone further up the food chain, however no one at HFI is very forthcoming with contact details. Is anyone in the same position or can help?



  • edited 2:42AM
    Try the Islington Leaseholders Association for advice as they seem to have worked with people in similar situations. ( In my experience the whole major works process with HFI is a nightmare and their invoices are riddled with inappropriate cost allocations and inaccuracies not to mention unnecessary works. Getting them to take your issues seriously takes superhuman persistence. Good luck!
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