
edited May 2011 in Local discussion
I love Eurovision and often go to Eurovision party. This year however I find myself with no plans and a chap with no interest in the divine kitschfest. Are any local pubs or other venues holding a Eurovision event?


  • edited 12:49AM
    Stapleton maybe Annie?
  • edited 12:49AM
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  • edited 12:49AM
    Misscara you'll need to get out of Europe...
  • edited 12:49AM
    Yes, the rest of Europe, particularly the Baltic States, are much keener on it than we are!
  • KazKaz
    edited 12:49AM
    I *heart* Eurovision, but looks like I will have to miss it this year. So bad, it's good! Surely someone must be putting a party on? Check TimeOut, miss Annie! Have a vague feeling I saw a tweet from them about it.
  • edited 12:49AM
    You are right Kas eurovision is definitely so bad its so good !!

    Am i right in saying that our entry is by non other than .....Jedwood !! Aah !!!
    Can somebody clarify......please !!! Lol
  • edited 12:49AM
    Jedward represent Ireland. I found their song surprisingly catchy. 'Our' entry is by four young estate agent types called Blue. Haven't heard it yet. I think Popbitch are favouring Belarus.
  • edited 12:49AM
    Tragically Belarus' entry 'I Love Belarus' didn't make it out of the semi finals last night. For shame.
  • edited 12:49AM
    @ActionVerb :) great comment. If this was twitter I'd retweet you :)
  • edited 12:49AM
    Turkey didn't get through either, so I'm boycotting it. Well, I mean, I wasn't going to watch it anyway, but if I had been meaning to, I now wouldn't.
  • edited 12:49AM
    I want Finland to win. But they won't.
  • KazKaz
    edited 12:49AM
    I think my favourite bit is the next days debates about whether the voting system is was fair or not. Every single year when the UK does badly, not mentioned much when they do well...
  • edited 12:49AM
    Sod the UK results, we've not submitted a decent song in years - which is baffling when you consider how much better we are than everyone else in the normal run of pop. But I've been boycotting since the year when The Ark for Sweden came near the bottom of the finals, and Israel's Teapacks and whoever it was doing 'Vampires Are Alive' for Switzerland didn't even make it past the semis. And a bunch of former Yugoslav and former Soviet dross came up top as a result of votes from the neighbours. As one similarly appalled friend with whom I was watching put it, I wouldn't vote for someone who'd got dogshit on my carpet ten years ago, never mind someone who'd been Hell-bent on genociding me.
  • edited 12:49AM
    The Ark was one of the best Eurovision entries ever.
  • edited 12:49AM
    It wasn't.
  • edited 12:49AM
    I think blue were really good !
    The guys have got great voices !
    Love the song!
  • edited 12:49AM
    I have just got back from the in laws where i had to suffer some of it, my votes with Moldova.
  • edited 12:49AM
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  • KazKaz
    edited 12:49AM
    Just watching the voting, actually quite upset I missed it all. @Miss Annie, I hope you found a party and avoided the Stapleton, they had a big sign out saying Eurovision free zone. (Actually it said something like Cheese free zone, and Eurovision crossed out underneath it.) Spoilsports.
  • edited 12:49AM
    Can't believe that Ukraine and Italy are getting so many votes. They were rubbish.
  • edited 12:49AM
    Great result. I won the office sweepstake!
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