As Stroud Green goes, so goes the Nation.

edited June 2011 in Local discussion "A stroll down the high street used to be about buying pork chops at the butcher and a bunch of carnations from the florist, but a new study suggests a haircut and a nail buff now top our shopping lists. The rapidly changing face of Britain's high streets shows an army of hairdressers and beauticians on the march but the number of newsagents, butchers and independent fashion stores in marked decline as they struggle to compete with the onslaught from supermarkets and larger chains."


  • IanIan
    edited 2:33AM
    Although the last thing to open was an independent fashion store... Newsagents rather struggle as nobody actually wants to buy a newspaper any more.
  • edited 2:33AM
    We are a nation of foolish, vain people. The economy is a mess. Unemployment is at 8%. Restaurants and shops are shutting their doors 'cause we can no longer afford them. But nail salons stay open.

    Of all the things I value in my middle-classish life, the beauty salon is way down at the bottom of the list. Though I do try to get a haircut every month so I don't look like a hobo.
  • edited 2:33AM
    *We are a nation of foolish, vain people.* I've missed you, r_c. You don't know that you miss raw goth nihilism until it's gone.
  • edited 2:33AM
    Yes, where were you?
  • edited 2:33AM
    used to get my hair cut at Tony and Guy in CE, now its smart design in SGR so I am £20+ better off with a better haircut. Result.
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